Chapter VIII: Happy Birthday Pup

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"Sorry." He said, knowing that it was only proper. Remus however had expected such a question and he merely smiled. He had caught the flash of disappointment in Harry's eyes when the child had come downstairs to find him instead of his godfather. He couldn't tell Harry the real reason of course so he said the first thing that came to him. "Sirius had to go to meet a ministry official so he'll be back in the evening. However, I'll be there with you throughout the day and as per Sirius's instructions, I'm supposed to take you out for lunch and he says he'll meet you in the evening."

Harry felt disappointed. Why would his godfather leave like that without even telling him anything and that too on his birthday? He had really expected to have a great time after the warm birthday wishes Sirius had given him only a few minutes ago. But now, he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe Sirius didn't love him after all. With great effort, Harry pushed back the tears that threatened to flow and forced himself to remain silent and gave Remus a jerky nod.

After he managed to eat the breakfast that Sirius had left for him, Remus took him to muggle London where they went for a movie and ate lunch after that. Throughout their little outing, Harry had remained silent, answering politely when asked a question. He was too hurt to think or say anything much. Sirius had completely ignored him today and even Ron and Hermione hadn't written to him.

Soon, Remus told him that it was time to go back home and Harry all but jumped to the suggestion. All that he wanted to do now was go to his room and sob. He had been looking forward to spend the day with Sirius but there had been no sign of the man.

Remus and Harry stepped out of the floo only to find the living room dark. "Why is it so dark Remus?" Asked Harry as his hands tried to find purchase on something firm to hold onto.

He didn't get an answer as the place suddenly lit up and Harry blinked for a few seconds before his eyes adjusted to the light. And there it was:

The entire room and been decorated beautifully with streamers, balloons and a banner that read: Happy Birthday Pup. The Weasleys were there as well as Hermione, Neville, the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Seamus, Dean and..... Sirius.

He found himself being lifted off the ground and into a bone breaking hug. He didn't have to see the person's face to know who it was because there was only one person in the entire world who would show him such love and affection. "Happy Birthday again pup. Enjoy yourself." Sirius said before setting Harry down and giving him a light push towards his friends.

After that, Harry didn't know how time flew by. One moment he was talking to Ron and Hermione and the very next second he was dragged away by the Quidditch team with Wood shouting out the training plans for the coming year. Harry couldn't remember the last time he had had so much fun. This truly was his best birthday ever.

All too soon, dinner was served and slowly the guests began to leave after wishing Harry one last time. Once every one had left, Harry sat down to open the presents that he had received. "Did you have a good time today?" Asked Sirius as he sat down next to Harry on the floor, slinging an arm around Harry's shoulders. "The best ever." Harry replied, leaning against Sirius.

"Bed, Harry." Sirius said firmly when the clock had struck an hour past Harry's bedtime. Harry, too tired to protest, took his godfather's proffered arm and allowed himself to be led upstairs and tucked in. After their nightly ritual, Sirius went off to his own room to sleep. The man had spent a long and busy day making sure that Harry had the best birthday ever and the pure euphoria on his godson's face had made all his efforts worth it.

Harry, on the other hand, was feeling too guilty to be able to sleep peacefully. Throughout the party, he had enjoyed himself immensely but as the guests had left, and he had started on his presents, he slowly started feeling guilty. He felt like a prat, an utter and complete idiot for having thought that Sirius didn't love him. With a sigh, he decided that he would probably feel much better once he had spilled everything to Sirius and so he pushed the covers off himself and with as much courage as he could muster, he walked to his godfather's room.

He was doing pretty well until he reached the rosewood door that read 'Sirius Black.' What would Sirius say when he heard Harry's confession? Would he be angry? The answer to the latter question was obviously a yes but Harry felt that the deserved it so, taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door twice.

Sirius, thanks to Azkaban, was a very light sleeper and the timid knock on his door had him wide awake in an instant. He answered the knock with a soft 'come in' as there was only one other person who lived in this house other than him.

"Sirius?" Sirius sat up slowly and saw Harry standing at the entrance of his bedroom, a look of uncertainty flickering across his features. "Come here pup." He commanded gently and Harry obeyed without a word.

Sirius pulled Harry down to sit next to him, clearly aware that something was bothering the kid. "You know you can tell me anything right?" He asked, taking hold of Harry's chin and forcing his godson to meet his eyes. This was it, Harry thought.

"S-Sirius, today morning when you wished me, I felt really nice. B-But, after I came downstairs, y-you weren't there. Remus was. I thought you didn't l-love me and that was w-why you asked R-Remus to stay with me." Harry said it all in one go, although he was unable to avoid the occasional stutter. After his little confession, Harry dropped his gaze. He needed to get it out and he had been right. Talking really did help. He felt loads better now although he was waiting for Sirius's reaction.

"Look. At. Me." The words spoken were firm and brooked no argument. "Harry James, what I said the other day still stands. I love you kiddo and nothing is going to change that. I want you to understand that perfectly Harry."

Sirius was shocked that Harry would even think like that. He knew that Harry was happy living with him and he was sure that they had made considerable progress. He couldn't deny that he was hurt but then again, one decade of abuse didn't couldn't be forgotten in one month. He settled on calming Harry's fears and doubts and was glad when Harry relaxed completely against his side.
"Are you okay now pup?" Asked Sirius, running his hand through Harry hair: a gesture that seemed to calm the boy down all the time. Harry nodded and he meant it. He was alright now. He could feel his cheeks heating at the fact that he was behaving like a five year old that needed coddling due to a nightmare but being held like this was a feeling that he had started to enjoy.

Sirius then got up and took Harry to his room. "Sleep tight pup." Sirius said and Harry did just that for the latter part of the night.

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