Chapter 11 - Epilogue

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They spent the whole day doing what they wanted together. They didn't need a proper reception to have a day long party and they didn't necessarily need a honeymoon because they were already in that setting. They just needed a place to stay.

Rory squealed as they passed through a nice neighborhood further from the city. All the houses looked adorable but one on the corner was perfect. "That one." She insisted and pointed it out.

It took some time but Ty found and feel in love with it as well. He imagined the two of them cleaning it up and even having a few kids running around the yard spraying each other with water guns.

They were very lucky to buy the house on the same day. Granted, it was late when they got the call and they lazily packed up all their belongings and left the apartments in an almost tearful goodbye.

Ty opened the door and they both just dropped all they had on the living room floor which was nice white carpet. He walked over to her, picked her up in his arms, and carried her to their mattress. They decided they would sell the other one to help pay for the costs. They no longer needed two mattresses anyway.

He was too tired to put any sheets on it and the two simply cuddled together for the first time in the same bed with a blanket and a lengthy pillow. Despite the circumstances, he was warmer in bed snuggled up beside her than he'd ever been in his life. And she never felt so welcome in his arms and chest. They shared a few tender goodnight kisses and drifted off to sleep in rhythmic breathes.

The next morning they both slept in until the sun's rays blasted through the windows and got hard to ignore. "Good morning, Ty." Rory said in a raspy morning voice.

Ty cleared his throat thinking he might have that too. "Good morning to you, Ror." He smiled and puckered his lips for her pepper of kisses, catching each one on his. She snuck a few around and landed them on both his cheeks and his round nose. "We gotta busy day today." He said.

That threw her off and she showed her displeasure in a deep moan. "Why can't we lay here forever?" She asked childishly.

"Because we just bought a house and got married in the same day." Ty informed her.

"I knowwww. I just....I hate Mondays." She said with a yawn stretching her mouth and her voice.

Ty chuckled lightly. "It's not Monday, honey." He left a quick peck of his own on her cheek.

"It's not?" She asked looking up at him.

"Nope. It's Sunday. You're close." He smiled.

"Oh....I hate mornings." She corrected herself and rolled back until she was practically laying on top of him.

Ty giggled uncontrollably. The more he felt her on his stomach, the harder and harder he laughed. She sat up with a concerned look on her face. "What? You were making me laugh." He said.

"Really?" She questioned. "That hard?" She raised her right eyebrow while her lips curled into a smile.

"Yeah really." He repeated her and sat up himself right in front of her. "Now come on. We got stuff to do." He pulled back the blanket and climbed out of bed on the right side.

Rory turned her attention over to the pile of stuff all scattered in the living room. Her lips physically showed her pouty attitude. "Can't we at least get breakfast first?" She asked innocently. To combat her question, she bat her eyelashes at him, flickering her big sparkling eyes into his.

"Of course. I'm not that cruel, Ror." He smirked and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"You are definitely cruel. But I'm glad you at least have mercy on me when it comes to the food." Rory smiled and got up to join him. They'd both slept in their clothes last night and were both in need of a shower.

Ty walked her out of the house, through the neighborhood, and out to the nearest McRonald's for a fast food breakfast. All the while, he marveled at everything she did and found it all adorable. The way the syrup began to drop from her chin like water droplets in a cave. The way she squinted at the menu even though she was the one with perfect vision. Even the way she walked. All these weren't new to him, but he could never get enough of all the things he thought of his wife to be perfect.

After breakfast, they went back and sorted the stuff as best they could. They decided which room would be theirs and set up their dressers and bed. Once everything was finished, in a remarkable amount of time, Ty plopped on their bed while Rory fumbled through all the pictures they took since they met.

He didn't have a clear shot of the pictures from how far back he was on the bed but he could tell she was smiling hard at a picture of her holding his once-baby cousin, Shannon. He knew that she wasn't smiling at how cute the baby was at the time or that it was his cousin. He knew what she was thinking. And he agreed with her. He looked outside and the sun was setting. Perfect opportunity.

He jumped off the bed and grabbed his phone. He pulled up a slow romantic song from his playlist and stripped down to just his dark blue boxers, all right in front of her.

"T-Ty?" She asked watching him with a deep red blush in her cheeks spreading across her nose and thickening.

Ty cleared his throat as he got into a seductive position on their bed. "Ty...What are you doing?" She asked.

He decided to give up immediately. He didn't know what he was doing in all honesty. He knew Rory but he didn't know how to seduce her. He exhaled in disappointment and failure. "I've been thinking about what you said yesterday." He said avoiding her eye contact by looking down.

"I said a lot of things yesterday." She said not knowing where he was getting at.

"Rory....I want a baby too." He gulped and shut his eyes tight as he revealed the truth to her.

She was speechless. They both knew their marriage just started. But they didn't have any reason not to....They loved each other and there was no better way to show it. And if they would get it right, a few short months later and they would have a baby all to themselves. She could be a mother to a baby she didn't need permission to kiss or smother with cuddles. And the man she loves could be the father.

Without a word, she walked over to the bed and pulled her lips to his. He hesitantly kissed her back but they slowly grew more and more into it. His hands reached for the hem of her clothes as they were preoccupied.

That night was full of true heartfelt and sacred love that they knew was right for each other. Just before they called it a night with a brand new finished home, Rory snuggled up against Ty. Their bare frames rested against each other in a tender embrace. His arms secured her to his chest. "I love you Tyrone." She whispered in his ear and lightly tugged on it with her teeth.

"I love you, too, Rory." He whispered back.

They were the happiest couple and dreamt that they would have a baby to strengthen their love and their family in only nine months.

But like they had done before, they had to wait for the good to come.



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