Chapter 10 - Their Second Best Morning

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June 21, the anniversary of when Ty met Rory all those years ago in Gravity Falls. Now it's another important date for the two.

Ty pushed through the doors with Rory in his arms. He was dressed in a nice white suit while she was wearing a stunning white dress. They laughed as he ran to the car parked outside. Ty's grandfather and grandmother cheered for them and caught up to them. "Tyrone! We're so proud of you!" His grandpa patted his back.

"You two, Miss Rory." His grandma said.

Rory blushed and got down from Ty's arms. "Thank you." She smiled.

"You're a very lucky girl!" His grandpa said swinging his fist.

"I'm luckier to have her." Ty said taking her hand. His grandparents smiled and said "awww".

Rory kissed his cheek and pulled him forward. "Thank you so much Mr. and Mrs. Pines." She said back to them.

"Yeah thank you for coming!" Ty added.

"You're welcome Mr. and Mrs. Pines." His grandma called and waved to them as they got in the car.

Other than Ty's grandparents, no one else came. Dipper and Pacifica were struggling with a newborn baby, Mabel and Mermando didn't have enough money for the trip, and each of their parents were passed away. But they had each other and that's all they wanted.

Rory couldn't keep her hands to herself. Now that they were married, they didn't have to hold back. Except in the car of course. "Ror c'mon. You're gonna make me crash." Ty chuckled.

"You're not helping me with that kissable face of yours." She smirked at him.

"You're not so bad yourself, honey." He winked at her.

"So what's the plan?" Rory asked changing the subject.

Ty was stumped. They'd been planning this day for months now. Every detail on how they would be married, where it would be, and when it would take place. But everything after wasn't mentioned. Not even the reception. "We're gonna make it the best day ever." Ty said.

That seemed to satisfy her. "And every day with you will only get better." She said.

"Agreed." Ty smiled.

He was driving them back to the apartment. He thought of a quick plan for the day and knew that Rory would love it. Right as they pulled up into their parking spot, she jumped out of her door, ran over to his side, and pulled him out.

They laughed and ran up to the door, ran through and couldn't stop laughing. Ty kissed her knuckles and pulled away. "I'm gonna change into something more casual. You do the same."

She kept her smile on her face but formed a blush in her dimpled cheeks. "You don't have hide."

"It's not about hiding it's....You know what? You're right." Ty said. He pulled his pants down and kicked them off.

She undid the straps on her back and pulled the dress over her head but it got stuck. Ty laughed nervously. "H-here." He walked over and helped her pull it off. He then undid his buttons and pulled off all the layers covering his chest. Now they were both standing there in their undergarments.

Rory started to laugh and Ty joined in. She wrapped her arms around his chest, laying her head on his neck. They continued to laugh lightly as they hugged. Ty lifted her face to his and kissed her. She immediately kissed him back.

"We gotta get dressed again." Ty said between breathes against her lips.

She broke away and pulled him back to their room. She sat him down on his bed and walked over to her side of the room. She went through her dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants.

"I love it." Ty said.

She smiled and put them on. Ty watched her pull them up her legs and come to rest at her waist. He opened his dresser and put on his own pair of sweatpants. They took turns watching each other put on a new layer of clothing. When they were done they both had on sweatpants, a t-shirt, and white socks.

"This look beats tiger-skin bikinis any day, huh?" Ty asked.

"Hmmm. Nah." She smirked at him.

"Well I think you look amazing." He hugged her from behind as she looked in a mirror on the wall to fix her hair.

"Mm. Thank you, Ty." Rory said tilting her head back to rest against his neck again.

"More where that came from." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

She smiled as her hand came around and pinched his butt through his sweatpants. He jolted slightly and his face darkened with red. She giggled.

His hands let go of her and went back for revenge. She jolted forward and turned around to him. "Tyrone?" She asked trying to sound serious with a smile.

Ty seemed more embarrassed for doing that than her for receiving that gesture. "S-sorry."

"For what?" She walked over and nuzzled her nose against his. "So what do you have planned for us today?"

"Uh...I was thinking we'd spend the whole day honeymooning and spend one last night here." Ty said.

"One last night? Where are we gonna move to?" She asked.

"We could spend some time looking for a house too....And I could sell my bed." He said.

Rory blushed and smiled uncontrollably. "I'll make sure today is still a lot more fun than it sounds." He reassured her.

"I believe you." She said. "I'll make sure our lives are a lot more fun."

Ty took her hand and lead her to the door. "I believe you. Now, what are you hungry for?"

"Oh...I'm starving. How about McRonald's?" She smiled.

"Alright. Fine." Ty let her off this time with that fast-food restaurant.

They walked out and got in the car. "Ty...." Rory said.

"Yeah?" Ty asked.

"I know we just barely got married....But I want a baby." She said with a blush.

"Oh...." Ty blushed. "Y-you wanna kill two birds with one stone tonight?"

Her face lit up. "You feel the same way?"

Ty nodded. "I love you, Rory. And that's the one thing I want more than anything else with you now."

"Then it's settled! If it's something you want then I'm all ears!" She smiled widely with the blush remaining in her cheeks.

"I'm proud to be your husband." He said. "And I'll be proud to be the father of any babies you have."

She squealed and hugged him by his neck. "Boy, are we rushing things. And we haven't even gotten lunch!" Ty said looking forward.

"Like you aren't agreeing with me." She smirked at him.

Ty kissed her cheek. "I'll always agree with you."

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