Chapter 4 - Getting Ready

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Ty woke up with Rory laying on top of him and his blanket. "Huh? Good morning, Ror." He said more happy to see her there than confused.

She was only pretending to be asleep. "Good morning, Ty." She said sitting up.

"Whaaat are you doing?" He asked.

"Oh this? I must've done it in my sleep." She said avoiding eye contact with him.

"I don't think so." Ty said. He started moving around under the covers until she lost her balance and fell off him to his side.

"You don't like that?" She asked pouting with her lip.

"Eh. I like this more." Ty signaled to her laying next to him. "We're on the same level this way."

She giggled and pulled the blanket over his head. "Well I think we should be getting ready. Piedmont is only five minutes away by bus."

Ty yanked the blanket off his face and looked at her with a smirk. "Alright. I get first shower." He said.

"Wha- I don't think so!" She yelled and leapt off the bed and darted to the bathroom. Ty almost beat her to it but ran into the slammed door. He heard a voice of defeat on the other side. "Could you do me a favor and get my clothes?"

Ty shook his head as he smiled. "Sure thing, Rory. Hang in there." He walked over to her suitcase and pulled out a t-shirt, jeans, and her favorite hoodie. He blushed when he remembered she needed more clothes and looked away as he grabbed a random pair of underclothing for her.

He rushed the clothes to the door and knocked on it. "Here you are, Ror."

The door opened a crack and her arms came through grabbing the clothes from him. He shut the door for her. "Ooo! My favorite hoodie!" She exclaimed. Ty smiled feeling very proud of himself and decided to change out there while she was in the bathroom.

"Be aware, Rory. While you're doing whatever you need to in there, I'm gonna be changing out here." Ty warned her.

"Alright." She said through the door.

About twenty minutes later, Rory stepped out wearing the clothes Ty picked out for her. "Your turn." She said.

"Oh, that's ok. I'm good." Ty said.

"No you're not! You need to shower every day!" Rory said. "Plus, you already wore those clothes!"

"Rory, it's alright. I'll take a shower tonight. And I did the sniff check on these clothes! I like them!" Ty said.

"Ok. But you're gonna have to change before we register you for college." She put her hands on her hips.

"I will, Ror. Don't worry about me." Ty said.

"I worry about you because you worry about me. It's mutual." Rory walked over to him.

"I worry about you because I love you." He said with a light smile.

"Well, I love you too. That's why I'm forcing you to change your clothes before we register." Rory smirked at him.

"Geez. You sound like my mom did." Ty said.

"That means I'm doing a good job!" Rory kept her smirk.

"Yes you are. But  you're not making me change!" Ty said. He turned around and ran for the door.

"Oh no you don't!" Rory yelled and ran after him. She grabbed his arm and hauled him back into the room. "We're not leaving until you take a shower and put on clean clothes!" Ty crawled at the ground as she dragged him to the bathroom.

She pulled him up on his feet and peeled his shirt off, immediately blushing and regretting how far that was going. Ty blushed just as red realizing how fast she tore his shirt off. "I-I'm sorry." She ran out the bathroom door and leaned on it when it shut.

Ty felt really bad that she was embarrassed. She was just trying to be funny with him and it got awkward. It was his fault. He just had to wear the same pair of clothes again. He put his forehead to the door. He could hear Rory's familiar breathing on the other side. "Rory?" He asked with a soft voice.

She lifted her head. "Yeah Ty?"

"Could you get out some clothes for me?" He asked.

"O-ok." Rory said softly and walked over to his suitcase. She looked through the different clothes and blushed at the smell. They weren't bad smells, they just smelled like Ty. She put a long sleeved shirt to her nose and looked around as if she thought someone or Ty himself was watching. The image of him shirtless flashed in her mind. She imagined the shirtless Ty putting that shirt she was holding on.

She bit her lip and started searching through his pants, pulling a pair of dark green khakis. Then her face grew tomato red when she started looking through his underwear. The blush went away when she thought of smelling one. Gross. She was going to have to teach him how to do laundry.

After a short while, the shower turned off. "Rory?" He asked through the door.

"Yeah, Ty?" She asked back.

"Did you get some clothes for me?" He asked. He sounded embarrassed himself.

"Yeah. You're gonna have to clean them sometime. They smell awful." Rory said.

"....How do you know what they smell like?" Ty asked.

"Uh...Because I could smell them as soon as I opened your suitcase!" She lied.

"Alright. Alright." He said. After a few minutes, the noises of the shower stopped and his arms stuck out of the bathroom door to grab his clothes from her. "Thank you so much!"

"No problem, Ty." She said sitting on her bed. A few more minutes passed and Ty walked out wearing the long sleeved shirt and dark green khakis.

"How do I look?" He asked.

"You look amazing." Rory smiled at him. "Except for one thing." She walked over to him and started fixing his hair the way he always has it.

Ty couldn't help himself from smiling at her. He looked down and saw that she was standing on her tiptoes to do it. They were once the same height, they still are, she just needs some support when working with his hair. He gently held her waist in place for her as she worked.

"T-there." She said. A small blush had grown in her cheeks from his hands. "W-we should get going."

Ty's smile dropped slightly. "Ok. Yeah. Let's go."

Just a Clone - A TyRor Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें