Chapter 2 - Where to Go

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The next morning, Stan and Ford woke up the triplets early. The bus leaving for Piedmont would arrive in two hours. Ty looked out the window as Mabel and Dipper packed. Dipper got Pacifica's phone number and had been texting her all night but that didn't seem to make him tired. Neither of them seemed happy to go, but Ty was speechless.

They finished packing all their belongings and went downstairs. Soos, Candy, Grenda, Wendy, and Pacifica all were waiting for them, giving them all goodbyes.

"You better text me as soon as you can, nerd." Pacifica told Dipper.

"I will. Don't worry." Dipper assured her.

"I'm gonna miss you." She said softly.

"I'll miss you too, Pacifica." He pulled her in one last hug.

Candy and Grenda smothered Mabel in hugs and tears.

Ford gave Dipper a salute but Dipper just hugged him. He gasped at the sudden affection but got down and hugged him back.

Ty said goodbye to everyone the same. They went outside with all their luggage. That's where Ty caught sight of Rory on the hill looking down at him. He saw from this distance how sad she was. Without Dipper, Mabel, and him in her life, it's just her...That couldn't happen. He would rather die than leave her alone for a year.

He turned to Grunkle Stan and whispered something in his ear. "I don't know, kid. What about Dipper and Mabel? What about your parents?" He said.

"Please....I can't Rory." Ty said cupping his hands together.

"It's not just up to me. Call your parents about it." Stan said.

Ty pulled out his phone and called his mom.

Rory watched the whole thing. She turned to the town where a bus was coming. Tears fell down her cheeks. "Goodbye..." She said.

She got up and ran to her aunt's house. She put her hands to her eyes as she ran, not caring what she ran into on her way.

After a while, the bus took off. Stan and Ford watched it leave. "We'll see them next year." Ford said patting Stan's back.

Rory was listening to music on her iPod to try to cool herself down. "What are you doing?" Her aunt asked rudely leaning against the doorway.

"Just listening to music." Rory said.

"Excuse me? Watch your attitude, young lady!" She snapped. "Where's my root beer?!" She looked around and walked back out.

The doorbell rang and Rory rolled her eyes. She got up and walked over to answer the door. She opened it but no one was there. Suddenly, Tyrone burst through the door from out of no where and tackled Rory in a hug.

Rory looked at him. "You're not leaving?" She asked very surprised.

Ty shook his head. "I got my parents to let me stay! I'm staying for you!"

Rory smiled and hugged him back. "I know it might be a little too early to say this...but I think I love you Ty."

Ty smiled widely. "Aw. If it'll make you feel better, I love you too. And if it's too early...well then we got some time." He gently put his forehead against hers.

"Hey! What's that? Who's there, Rory?!" Her aunt yelled from in the kitchen.

Rory pulled away, wishing she hadn't. "Run, Ty." She said.

"Not without you." Ty told her.

Rory looked back at the kitchen then nodded to him. They ran out the door and slammed it shut. They both ran down the hill laughing as they did all the way to the Mystery Shack. His stuff was back in the Shack's living room. He laughed as he fell back on Stan's chair. Rory laughed and sat on the chair right next to him.

"Ty. What about your family? Dipper and Mabel?" She asked.

"They took some time to convince. They actually didn't want me to leave them. But I'll see them all in a year or so." Ty shrugged.

"That's insane. You must be very persuasive." Rory said. "So what do you wanna do now?"

"Anything you want." Ty said with a smile.

She smiled and grabbed his hand from across the couches.

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