November 15th, 2014

Start from the beginning

And then there's Grey. The flirt. That's the best way that I can describe Grey but it doesn't even begin to explain him. He's an asshole, but we're still friends with him because he's most of the time not an asshole around us. He's arrogant, childish, and erratic. But he's also honest, funny, smart, and he cares a whole hell of a lot about his friends. Even after the worst of days either at school or at our separate jobs, Grey always has a stupid way of making us laugh. Especially me. But then, the second after the mood improves, he'll start slithering, making a move to grope my chest or something and it'll piss me off again. With Grey, you can have the best of times but you also have to deal with the worst. But for the most part, it's worth it, because he's a great final part to our group of six friends.

We're kind of dysfunctional but we've been through a lot together and people can say a lot of shit about us, but we take care of each other. We're actually meeting up again tonight after my shift at the library. And my mom still hasn't come back from her 'trip' to wherever she went, so we might come back to the house and see what kind of terrible party Nathan is throwing, which he definitely will because like I said, he does that every weekend if Mom isn't home.

Anyway, I just heard somebody leave the apartment downstairs so I think that I'm in the clear. I'm going to go now. I'll talk to you later. And I hope that you have a great day.

Included picture: My new window art.

Luna Rose

I put everything in the envelope, seal it, stamp it, and put the regular address on the front before I go into the bathroom and take a shower. Brushing my hair and teeth afterward before I go back into my room and get dressed for work. I work at the local library because it's close-ish to my house, meaning I can walk there, and it's a nice place to work. Like the rest of this stupid city, it's incredibly crappy. The books are molding, the rats are eating through the bottom shelf books, and the people who don't return their books don't get fined because we don't have the time to nag them enough to get them to return them, so our books rapidly go missing.

But I like working there because on my downtime, I get to read as much as I want without actually buying the books that I want to read because I can't afford them.

"I thought that you went out," Nathan tells me when I get downstairs to grab something to eat before I leave.

"I did. I came back early this morning," I explain to him. "Have you heard from Mom?"

"Nope," He plops down on the couch and turns on the TV to watch whatever channels the satellite can pick up.

"She should be home by now."

"You're worried?" He asks me, raising his eyebrows.

"No," I refute, finding an almost-rotten banana on top of the fridge so I grab that and I head for the door. "I'm just saying that it's been a week already."

"Maybe she's not even coming back this time at all," He offers tauntingly. "You never know, we may never even see her again."

"That's not funny."

"Don't be such a little bitch, Luna," Nathan laughs at me as I'm leaving out the front door. "And calm the fuck down."

I pinch my lips together, not saying anything, and I escape the apartment, shutting the door behind me as I go down the dirty hallway of the complex before going down two flights of stairs and then out the front door.

The library is about a twenty minute walk from my house and the whole time, I've got my key chain in my hand that contains a bunch of useless keys and some pepper spray. Although it's unlikely that anybody will try to attack me right now because it's so goddamn cold outside.

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now