day 02. ( continued )

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jays pov.

i wake up and see that everyone is sleeping. i stay in bed so that trin can still cuddle into me. i grab my phone and go on instagram. my notifications are blowing up with comments about trinity and i. i exit out the app and go to snapchat. i take a selfie with trinity and caption it posting a YouTube video soon xo

i crept outta bed and grabbed the mono pod and the camera i set it all up and waited for everyone to wake up. mainly trinity.

- 30 minutes later -

everyone woke up and we all sat on the bed. but calyssa and isabel. they're very camera shy.

then i hit the record button.

" hey guys it's jay. and im here with."

" trinity "

" and ahngie "

" as many of you know, i had a panic attack earlier today. and i wouldn't be making this video if it weren't for my bestfriends. and if you guys can't respect my privacy. i will leave the internet world. im sorry but if has to be this way it will. i love you guys. but i love the people im with much more. i hope you guys understand this. if you continue this i will have to say something. " i say.

" bye guys. see you tomorrow. " everyone says together.

its about 8:27 pm right now and were not really used to it because in seattle its not like this. ( yes we live in seattle in this )

trinitys pov.

after that we publish the videos and head to downtown disney. jay and i are holding hands and the girls are in front of us. we head to the store and take selfies. i remember what happened yesterday. and saw a huge bruise on jays collarbone. she bit her lip so hard when she tried not to moan. but when she kisses me i can't help myself. i just let it all out. she knows what she was doing. she grabbed my ass and everything. she knew where to kiss. jay marked me to show that i was hers. and she knew how to hide her hickey but mine is very revealing.

ahngies pov.

i see trinity leave with jay again.

they're probably gonna go make out again

i thought.

- one hour later -

jay gave us money to buy us something before they left and we bought them hats and ourselves hats too. when we got back to the hotel we went to calyssas room because of trinity and jay. as we changed we heard a lot of moaning. especially trinity. it was like nonstop. we all put our headphones in to ignore it.

when they finished they came out with sex hair. especially jay probably because trinity was putting her hands through them. trinity and jay both had hickeys. they went back into their room and watched a movie.

jay had hickeys mainly around her collarbones and trin had multiple hickeys around her neck. we saw flashes from the room and assumed it was snapchat.

jays pov.

trinity and i were on our phones in complete silence. my neck was getting a little sore. i clicked on the snapchat app and took a picture of trinity she was on her phone and her neck was really revealing. i captioned it babygirl and saved it to my gallery.

we started to hold hands and she took a picture of it.

ahngies pov.

i go to sleep once i see everyone sleeping. i start to feel tears come down. someone hugs me from behind. its isabel. she knows how i feel. its happened to her before. i fall asleep, tears still streaming down my face.

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