The Hounds of Hell

Start from the beginning

Organic matter could be manipulated and fused so delicately that there would be no perceptible damage. Medical advances beyond imagination lay ahead. Immortality was now within their grasp. Worse, there were military considerations. The ability of a biotic to manipulate molecules and atoms gave them unprecedented superiority in the battlefield, but this... Gavin Archer tried to imagine a single mind capable of striking down gunships, fighters, perhaps even a small starship.

He shook his head. "This isn't an AI, this creature... is a god," he said aloud.

The door to his lab opened. Petrovsky walked through.

"You are correct, Dr. Archer. I am pleased with your progress," said the General. "And now you understand the importance of our task ahead. You are witnessing the next step in evolution, or rather, the next leap. A being that transcends all that we know. It is a synthesis of artificial and organic life. We cannot allow it to roam free, and we cannot allow it to fall into the hands of aliens."

"But it is perfectly fine in the hands of humans?" asked Gavin.

"Not even our own," said Petrovsky. "From the moment this creature came into existence, you and I, and every organic and synthetic being in the galaxy became as irrelevant as a lab rat. It must be studied, but above all it must be contained."

Gavin sighed. "It seems you do have it contained then. Why did you need me?"

Petrovsky looked Gavin in the eye, and made a persuasive argument. "Because we must understand it, Dr. Archer. We must know its secrets, therefore we must learn to communicate with it. It must be bridled and used for the betterment of humanity. We cannot make the same mistakes the Illusive Man made, we dare not become its slaves. Better it be destroyed, than we suffer that fate."

Gavin was skeptical. "You seem supremely confident. How long do you think we can keep this a secret? You escaped from the Alliance and kidnapped me. You have to know that they'll eventually come looking."

Petrovsky puffed out his chest, seemingly enthused by Gavin's response. It seemed as if he had a speech prepared for every argument Gavin could come up with.

He began to articulate. "Excellent points you make Dr. Archer, which is precisely why I have taken precautions. Did you believe that I would just slink away and hide? No, I am on the attack! The board is in play, and the pieces are moving. Even as we speak the Alliance is left in a daze as a result of my most recent gambit.

I assure you, they'll have little thought for me while they're looking for alien provocateurs and investigating their own politicians. I will reveal myself to them in due time, but by then they will have no choice but accept my leadership and the gifts I will offer to the whole of humanity. I will put it in such a way that the people themselves will demand it. Now, follow me. You have earned the right to see the project."

Gavin Archer was led from his lab and out into a corridor. His security detail had been especially tight in recent weeks and today was no exception. Lt. Commander Nicholas made a rare appearance. Every time he set eyes on the woman, he felt strange. She had a near aphrodisiac effect on his libido, yet at the same time his blood ran cold. He had never been so terrified of such an attractive specimen. She was the equivalent to honey laced with cyanide.

She crossed the distance and slipped in next to Petrovsky, adjusting her stride to match his without a hitch. Nicholas played the dutiful servant quite well. Gavin wondered just how submissive she was. Did the General take her to his bed? There was not a doubt in Gavin's mind as to her willingness. There was only the question of Petrovsky's mastery over his second in command.

Petrovsky, Gavin could deal with, at least for now. There was a sense of honor and duty to the man in spite of his nefarious schemes and grand delusions. Nicholas, on the other hand, had no such scruples. She was malignant inside. She regarded Gavin like a mouse that she couldn't wait to get her sharp teeth around. She'd paw him, claw him, leave him bleeding and wounded, and then lick at his wounds for the joy of it before she snapped in him half with her powerful jaws.

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