To Ruins the World Will Fall, and We Shall Stand

Start from the beginning

Everyone had crawled up by now, their voices joining in, "We can still play!" Eris clenched her teeth and hissed. Aphrodi immediately snapped his attention to her again. "It's okay," he told soothingly her with that sugar coated voice of his which I've only ever heard him use on her, "They don't stand a chance. If they want to continue being beaten, then we'll beat them so bad they can never walk again."

Aphrodi grew wings. All of us widened our eyes to see him jump up and spread those wings. The massive power that he wields in that is obvious. For a split second, I lost all hope again. "Trust Endou," I tried to convince my brain, but with hopeless results.

"Have you ever heard the flap of an angel's wings?"

The blinding light from his hissatsu made Endou shield his eyes. When he opened them, it was too late, and the ball slammed into the net along with him. Eris smiled.

Our team tried to get it to the goal again, but we still failed just as bad as before. In just around two minutes we were all on the ground again. All except me, which I was sure they left out on purpose for Eris to do the honors.

"Now Death Bringer, the two of us, you being the only one left on your team, perfect. Let me show you the way to heaven," Eris said. Her face twisted even more than before, her eyes glowed so bright and her hair so brilliant they rivaled Aphrodi's hissatsu from earlier. But Aphrodi seemed to be biting his lip, as if holding down himself to stop her. And...was that pain I saw flickering in his eyes? But why would he be hurting? It wasn't like he was the one who was being massacred on this field, nor did he seem like he had an injury beforehand, as I already knew Kageyama would do anything to prevent his "perfect soldiers" from harm as seen with Teikoku. Or else I would never have ever needed to become a manager at the beginning.

She kicked the ball up then snapped and the sky opened, revealing a glowing spotlight from the black grey storm clouds and snapping me back to attention. Now she jumped at a speed faster than last time, and slammed the ball with her heel. "Judgement Day!" she shouted in frustration and anger. And that ball was heading straight at me.

A flash of purple appeared in the middle of me and the blinding shoot. When I finally realized that I did not get hit, I discovered that it was Kidou holding the ball back with Dark Tornado. "Well?" he shouted at me, "A little help?"

This time I didn't think, didn't hesitate. It was as if I had been fighting next to Kidou all my life, rather than just a week ago. Helping him when he was in trouble, just as easily as he had helped me, came to me like an instinct. I jumped up, using Kuroi Hane Taifuu on the ball. Thankfully, Ichinose was close enough and helped out with Spinning Shoot, otherwise me and Kidou would have been out of the field with hospital injuries. With the three of our powers we just managed to make the ball lose its power and bounce off course.

Only downside? Ichinose now has a limp and was benched for field injury. That left only nine players against eleven gods.

That, and my ankle was hurting like hell, and it isn't even halftime yet.

The scene seemed almost like a mirage, as if I was looking at it in a movie or through a dream. Endou kept being hit repeatedly, used as a punching dummy by Aphrodi. Eris stood on the side, trembling, yet unmoving from her spot. Why she didn't, I had no idea.

We could all tell it was going to be useless effort, despite all the enthusiasm we had just had earlier. The gods were going to pummel us until there's nothing less to wreck. And Endou, the leader of our spirits, was going to go down first.

The brunette was just stumbling around now. I wasn't even sure he was conscious, he was just being tossed around by Aphrodi and his auburn haired friend with the scar. They didn't even let him fall down, just kicked it right back when the ball bounced to them.

Life As Teikoku's Manager (an Inazuma Eleven f.f.)Where stories live. Discover now