Chapter 46 - Comfort

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"You're exaggerating!", James insisted while giving Alex this half pissed off look. Alex rolled his eyes and to my surprise he grabbed James' cheek. Then he pinched it and pouted as if he James was a little child.

"Oh, my poor little James! He must be delusional if he thinks that I'm exaggerating. I mean, I'm not even mentioning that time I saw you visiting your Amanda shrine. I swear it would have been okay if it hadn't been for those candles, mate. I mean that's just creepy", Alex joked which had me laughing. James didn't look as amused about his friend's tail but I found it hilarious. Alex was a really good friend of James'. I liked him too. He was funny, but could be sincere if he wanted to and he also made me feel as if I still was a teenager. Everything that was going on in my life made me feel more mature than I should be. Alex was immature to the point where I could actually relax near him. He was a cool guy. 

"I knew he was obsessed with me, but that was new. I don't know if I should feel flattered or freaked out", I joked which had James rolling his eyes. He pulled a grumpy face, which made him look adorable. I smiled at him before pecking his lips. Once I leaned back James' frown had transformed into a cheeky grin.

"You two are adorably disgusting. I swear that you have been joined by the hip the last couple of days. If this continues on I'm going to get a new best friend", he said seriously. James got this mischievous glint in his eyes before he answered Alex.

"Well, this is a bit awkward. I mean, you're not my best friend. Louis is my best friend", James said making it sound as if it truly was awkward. Alex gasped in a mocking manner. Then he put both of his palms.

"No, I'm your best friend. Say that I'm your best friend!", Alex said in a slightly threatening way. James shrugged his shoulders before giving Alex a sorry look. With a dramatically sad expression Alex got up from his seat.

"I am not speaking to you until you tell me the truth. Goodbye." Then Alex literally left the Great Hall. I couldn't help but laugh at the boys' goofy fight. It was silly, adorable and normal. It made me once again feel like the teenager I actually was. 

"He's such a drama queen", James said as he put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. I snuggled into his side with a content smile.

"But he is one of your best friends", I said with a smile. It was true. Alex was one of James' best friends, together with Roxy and Louis. They were my friends too and I felt as if the crew I had fallen into while being at Hogwarts was great. Not only was I good friends with James' crew, but I had also met people by myself in Slytherin. It was nice to know that I at least had them to depend on. I had some people that I could trust and that cared about me. 

"Yeah, he is", James agreed with a nod while looking at the doors where Alex had disappeared through earlier. I pecked James' lips once more which made him look down at me with a curious smile.

"I just wanted to say sorry again", I told him honestly which had him shaking his head. He took my face in his hands and looked me deep in the eyes.

"You have nothing to say sorry for, okay? I understand why did it and honestly I would have probably done something similar. Don't apologize for something that you didn't do wrong", he told me sternly. I sighed slightly but nodded my head. James kissed me once more which made me smile.

"Seriously, could the two of you stop? I'm trying to eat here and the look of my brother snagging his girlfriend makes me want to barf." I started to laugh at Albus' words that came out of nowhere. James and I broke apart and looked towards his brother. He was sitting there with an upset face and glared at us.

"I understand that it's hard for you. I mean, I have such an amazing girlfriend while you can't get a girl no matter how hard you try. I feel for you, so I will stop it", James said with a devious smile. Albus' eyes widened and he looked as if he was about to say something snarky back, when we heard someone clear their throat behind us. 

"Excuse me if I'm mistaken, but aren't you a Slytherin Ms. Fraser?", a professor asked. I didn't know who it was, which must have meant that they taught a subject I did not have. They knew who I was at least.

"That's right professor." I guessed that it would be better if I pretended that I knew who it was. The old man didn't seem very fond of me to begin with. Showing that I didn't know all the teachers would probably not be something good in his eyes.

"Then I suggest you go to your table", he told me sternly. I reluctantly got out of my seat and started to move towards my table. The teacher seemed a bit freaky actually. He stayed where he had stood until I had left the Gryffindor table. Then I could see him watching me while I was at my own table. I made a mental note to avoid the old professor with the angry eyes and all black robes.

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