Change - A Jack Harries FanFic

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(A/N: Before you start reading, I just wanted to say, I know I made Jack kinda sound like a twat - and it wasnt supposed to be quite like that, but I needed it to be this way so then my story would make sense. Sorry if you find it uber annoying. And dont worry, I know they're not really like this, I actually love them both heaps thats why I'm writing this, duh!)


I DIDN’T want to leave England. No way. Yet here I was, at the Heathrow Airport, checking in my huge suitcase.

Two months ago mum had decided she had had enough. She kept saying we were too stuck up, too proud, but I don’t even know what she’s talking about. Apparently Finn and I have changed, and we’re not humble and modest anymore. Apparently now we’re stuck up, and we take everything for granted. Yeah, right. How is that a proper reason to move to the other side of the world? I don’t want to leave my friends, or my family, or my fans. I want to stay here and just be me. But apparently I’m not allowed to do that either.

“Flight 20336 to Australia now boarding” the speakers all around me announced. We picked up all our things and walked onto the plane. I could see the looks on people’s faces as they recognized me, but I ignored them. As much as I loved my fans, I definitly did not have time for all of them.


School, school, school… everyday is just going to school. Every day is so repetitive, and I hate it. But I need to keep my grades up; I needed to live up to my family’s expectations. I walked into maths class and sat next to my best friend Ella. I sighed and plonked my head on the desk.

“I am so bored of school” I said into the desk

“I know, right?! Nothing interesting ever happens. I thought high school was meant to be cool.”

“Well, at least we’ve only got one year left.”

“Yeah, and THEN we can live our lives.”

“THEN we can go to uni – MORE SCHOOL” I half cried. “Never mind, let’s just concentrate on quadratics.”


We’d landed after a grueling total of 22 hours on the airplane, and caught a taxi to our new house in north suburbia. This place looked pretty boring, and I’d only been here for a couple of hours. Australia wasn’t supposed to be like this, maybe we’d just picked a boring town. Urg. Not fair.

Two days passed and this new place had still stayed pretty plain. When I went out only a few subscribers said hello, which was so different to the huge groups of people I was used to. 

Change - A Jack Harries FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now