Coming To Know Him

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The morning came. Five days until my birthday. - Joy - that's when I'm old enough to have sex, to drive a car, to get married, to have a child, to quit school.

I pulled on my navy blue jeans and my sparkly silver top. It was a wavy top, and showed my outline well. One of my fave tops. My dad brought me it only three months ago. My thoughts brought me back to last night, with Drew. I needed to catch him up, and quizz him.

I spotted him in the breakfast hall. Get in there, however right my mind was, I wasn't here to blow my chance of having the right sex, I was here to ask drew some important questions, due to my health.

"Morning." I smacked my tray down at his table, he broke away from the convoation with his mates to look at me.

"Yes?" He asked, cockyness filled his eyes and voice. I rolled my eyes.

"how old are you?"

"seventeen" Shit, I thought.

"Thanks for you time," I got up and walked away, stunned beyond belief. bum, bum, bum! How can he be seventeen? Did he think I was seventeen? Was that why he thought it was alright to atempt to have sex with me? I walked back to his table.

I nudged him, he broke apart, not from his friends, not even from a convo, but from kissing some girl behind him. He sat up. I was re-stunned. My heart fell and tears were stinging my eyes.

" old do you think I am?" I asked, my voice a little shaky.

"I dunno," he went back to snogging the other girl. they were clawing at each other, their faces mooshed together in one big pile of UGLYNESS!

Bet you wish that was youuuu, the irriation was so bad, I dragged Drew by the ear. He shot up and away from the girl, the girl gave me dagers, I didn't give a shit. I was to busy furiating over drew.

"Who's that?" I tore at him.

"Melody," he smurked.

"I'm fifteen Drew." He bit his lip.


"You tried to have sex with me, don't deny it!" I snapped, feeling myself heat up.

"Ha! No, tried making out with you, that's not sex at all, now can I get back to kissing my girlfriend?"

"Your what?" I asked.

"Girlfriend." He sat back, fully amused.

"Not after I tell her what you did with me last night."

"And why do you even care, Jess? unless you want to be my girlfriend," he hinted but I shook my head in discust.

"No way!"

"Then please, leave me to my kissing," he gave me an inocent grin that made me want to melt into his arms, but then he was away, snogging the girl again. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw him with another girl later on today.

I walked across the hall, ready for my first lesson, only to find the most disturbing image ever. Drew was making out with the same girl. I gagged and charged down the hall.

I headed towards my class, not that I wanted to, I was going to be back in with Charlie - great.

I had the mst crazy idea, If I hook up with Charlie one night, the night that Drew and a girl will be on the lower deck, I could take Charlie there, while Drew gets it on with the other girl, I fake getting it on with Charlie. Suddonly the thought of me getting it on with Charlie wasn;t a bad idea, but then I peaked my head through the classroom door, to see Charlie, swinging on his chair and pulling a face of disgust. He sat back when he saw me about to sit down,

"You don't sit there anymore," he smurked.


"That's right, you don't get to sit next to all this," he smiled as if he thought that he was fit. I had to get that seat, for my own sake. your own sake? Your only doing this to get Drew jelous, my evily tormented mind tore at my heart. I shut the sound of my own head voice and went back to being fabulous.

"But, but I looove sitting next to you," I stroked his arm. He looked incredeuosly at me.

"Prove it," and they were just the words I wanted to hear.

"One sec," I strode over to Drew, doing my 'look at me' walk. It worked, Drew looked at me, coming towards him. He sat up and stared at me blankly in the face,


"When are you next going down on the lower deck?" I asked, with a whip of my hair.

"Depends why you want to know, I'm gusseing you enjoyed last night, and you want some more," the most charming smile crept across his face.

But I held onto my gard, discusted at what he just said. My cheeks flared red and my eyes turned stoney cold, "The only thing I want to get to, is the part where I slapped you," I laughed.

He leaned forward.

"I just...want to know."

"It's probs gunna be later on tonight, with Tiff." He said.

"Okay then." I strode back to Charile. "We are going to go on the lower deck tonight, I will..." I swallowed the icky lump that was swelling in my mouth. Just the thought of hugging Charlie made me feel sick. "I will, prove my love for you then."

He sat back, intrested. "I can;t wait for after lesson then."

"Wait just one sec." I added a sorry smile, not knowing what for. I skipped back oer to drew, "What time will you be down there, just out of curiosity, hehe?"


"Right, thanks."

I went back over to Charlie. "It;s gunna have to be tonight," I gave my winning smile.


What! What do you mean no?"

"I want your love after lesson, unless you would like to do tonight, aaannnnd after lesson," he smurked at his own foolishness.

"No, I...after lesson then." I sat down, he put his arm round my chair and made a kissy face at me. I turned round, hiding my face of disgust. I was never going to get drew back.

The lesson ended, unlike last time, there was a break between. I couldn;t belive my luck, Drew had told me a lie, he headed down to the lower deck, I followed, so did Charlie. I pursed my lips, was I really about to do this?

I saw Drewlean over the side of the boat, his feet off the ground. I was sure it wasn't safe.

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