The Class Of Players

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I headed for class, I was almost at a run. I was so pleased with myself, I kept laughing a little when I thought about the look on Drew's face.

I swallowed back a laugh and asked someone random for directions.

"Just down the hallway, to your left, then your right, then left, then right, then left, third door, and your there!" He smiled at me,

"Thanks for your time!" I beamed back. He seemed awfully nice. Not a bad friend to have. I jogged along with him,

"Oh, sorry, did I not make it clear? Haha, I meant that hallway!" He chuckled a little.

"Oh, I know! I just want to get to know you." At this he stopped and looked me up and down. I faced him full on. He sighed. He carried on walking without me. That boy should have a name tattooed on his forehead! Jerk! I headed back the other way, two minutes past nine, I was late on my first day! - bum!

I charged down the hallway, my heels making my ankles turn a full twist. I reached the class at five past nine. I peeked my head round the door. The class was full of boys! Was I in the right class?

I looked around at the teacher, even he was a man. "Am...I in the right class?" I fluttered my eye lashes.

"Jessica Tinwell?" He asked.


"Then yes, you are in the right class.

"Would you like to tell me why there are no other girls in this class?" I asked tentatively.

"Oh, because all the other girls registered for the right class, you didn't register at all, and we only had one more space, and that was here, in this class. He pointed at the boys. Great, I thought, just what I need.

"Sit over here!" I heard a horribly familiar voice say. I lugged my bags over to Drew.

"What?" I snapped.

"I'm being friendly?" He laughed. I sat behind him. I wasn't going to let him get the satisfaction of me turning round for him if I sat in front of him! Heck no! I felt like choking him! Jumping on his head, throwing a guitar where it hurts! I wanted to cause as much pain for him as possible. Then I saw his smile, the smile of an angel, and all anger disappeared. This time I wanted to kiss him, to hold his head, to play the guitar for him.

All the opposite of my anger.

I smiled at him without meaning to. He smiled back, leaning forward in his seat. He was totally ripped, I could see his six pack poking through his top. I forced down the urge to touch his mussels. It was so tempting I turned away, to find myself staring at this boy right in the face. He wasn't good looking, not one bit, and when he spoke, I was trying not to scream,

"Hey babe!" His smokey voice purred at me. He stroked his hand down my arm, I tore away in disgust. Why me?

He lent into me, resting his head on my chest, I moved my chair away, he averted his head to my lap. A waft of smoke smelled from his mouth. I held my breath, refusing to breath it in. I kicked my leg up, trying do move his head, his grey eyes stared at me.

"Dude!" Drew slapped him round the head. "You got your girl!"

That boy was a player to? Just what I needed. this couldn't get worse right? But as I looked around the classroom, every boy, good looking or not, was staring at me. I sighed to myself. This could only happen to me. They couldn't be all players! It's just not possible! The boy was still leaning on me, his breath the smell of smoke.

The class seemed to dwell on forever. Sir was endlessly talking. I didn't end up writing anything down in the end. I was to aware of where the boy on my lap was staring. I felt sick every time I looked at him.


Finally the bell.

I raced out of class, Drew following, calling my name, "JESSICA! Jess, WAIT UP!"

I speed walked down the hallway. Drew was close behind. I made it for the deck, I needed a break, I needed fresh air. I stopped in my tracks, making Drew bash into me. "What?" He asked, trying to see what I was looking at. The boy who I sat next to in class was making out with some girl, who was kicking and clawing at him chest. Drew pursed his lips. "I have nothing to say to this!" He strode over to the boy and smacked him round the head again, "Charlie, lay off!"

Charlie turned to look at Drew, the spotting me, he let the wrecked girl go. He walked slowly to me, touching my arm. Please go away, please go away I prayed under my breath. This is the last thing I need. This boy wasn'tt a player, he was a mad man, running around for girls to kiss. And I wasn't prepared to be one. He stroked my hair, I bent my chin back. Drew glared at Charlie, he swung his arm and punched him in the nose. I jumped as Drew's fist was implanted into Charlies face. Charlie fell against the wall. My heart was pounding, my blood drumming in my ears.

Did Drew really just do that for me? Great, I had a whole semester of this. I looked at Drew, shocked and bewilderment covered my face. A smirk creased it's way onto Drew's face as he watch Charlie cower in the corner."You didn't need to do that!" I snapped.


"I said, you didn't need to do that!"

"I'm...sorry?" I walked away at this, unable to bare him anymore.

He jogged along side me, "What? I just saved you there!"

"Saved me? Ha! It's more like being a dick." I walked with such pace, I was breathing hard. I had to get to second lesson anyway - hopefully I'm in a girls class. I rolled my eyes at my luck, and at the fact that Drew was still following me.

"Would you hold up?" I stopped at Drew's words and turned round, standing on my toes and towering over him.

"Would you stop annoying me, and go play with some other girl!" - I just realized how bad that sounded, so I crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping he would judge around it.

"Let me walk you to class, and I will leave you alone!" He played a small smile, I couldn't resist it.

"Fine," I murmured, trying to avoid looking at his smug face. He tugged at my bag, I tugged it back, he got the message and stopped trying to hold them for me.

"Go out with me," He muttered. I blinked at him,

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Go out with me."

"That's more like a demand than a request," I pointed out, I was near my class now.

"It's my way of saying will you go out with me!" He smirked.


"I'm sorry?"

"No, I am," I stepped away from him, and ignored the fact he was there. He looked at me, stunned, then jogged up next to me.

" Are you sure?" I laughed at his enthusiasm.

"I'm pretty sure thanks. Your a player, and I don't like you, I think it's gonna have to be a no!"

"What! I can change, Jessie, listen!" I stopped dead at 'Jessie'.

"Don't call me that!" I snapped bitterly.

"Why?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter, just don't say it!"

"Jessie, Jessie, Jessie..."

"If you really loved me, you would stop," I added, seriously wanting him to just shut up. He stopped. "Thank you."

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