To Close For Comfort

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I stared out into the stars, just the same as I did when I first came here. My hair swept in the wind, as I done my best looking pose yet, only to be adressed by a snigger from Drew. "What?" I demanded.


"What about me?"

"You have your PJs on!" He smurked and laughed as I looked down at myself. True enough, I was in my monkey slippers, cupcake PJ bottoms and cupcake velvet top. Oopps.

"And? They are...stylish PJs!" I tried, but failed.

"Stylish if you are in bed!" He raised his eye brows at me. I knew what he was getting at, and I didn't like it. Yes you do, my annoyingly truthful voice in my head whispered to me. you know you want him in there with you, I whacked my head on the boats bar. Then turned to Drew.

FFFTTTSHHHH. I slapped him with all my might. It stung my hand a little, so I'm slightly scared at what it mught do to his face. Make it more love-able, The voice haunted me again. I backed away, rubbing my hand and holding my head. I hurted so much, I wouldn't be surprised if my heart started to hurt.

His alert look reached out to me. I know that from somewhere. I can match the voice to it aswell. I snapped my fingers. That's it! It was my dad, he gave me that look when I told him I hated my life, he had said, "there will be nothing I can do to change your mind, but I can help you stay around!"

That brought tears to my eyes. Drew saw, and snapped out of the look. He brought his hand up to my cheek, sympathy in his eyes. Yet again, I had to torture myself, and tell him something I wish I hadn't, "Have I not told you, that I don't want your sympathy?" I shuved his warm hand off my cheek. Thinking of my dad brought a thought back into my head. the day I left the house,

"But dad! I need to stay, it's my birthday in a week!" I had protested against my step-mothers insisting push. My dad could only stand and watch.

I brung myself back to the present. Only to find Drew edging closer, saying something that I couldn't quite catch. He hugged me, his arms around my waist, his head on my shoulder. "So what do you say?" He asked.

"Wha...huh?" I asked. He sighed.

"You wasn't listening?"


"I said, why don't you come back to my cabin, grab a drink and we can alk out our problems?"

"Thta's what best friends do!"

"Arww...we are already getting closer!" He kissed my cheek and dragged me to his dorm.

"But I don't want to!" I protested against his grip.

But I was in the room. It stunk of Links deodrant. Atleast he puts some on, I thought. He beckond me over to sit next to him on his bed. Was this a good idea? YES YES YES! My mind erged me, but my heart told me different.

I crept over and placed myself at the end of the bed, well away from him. "Ohh, come on!" He patted the sheet cover next to him. I sat there, keeping my hands to myself, keeping my eyes to myself, keeping everything to myself. He brought his hand up to mine and opend him palm. Within that palm was a necklace. I shook my head,

"Here to talk, eh?"

"So I can;t be nice?" He dropped the necklace in my hand. "It goes well with the bracelett." He smiled sweetly. I felt the meaningful presence that he was truley caring for me. I warmed up to him. my insides were screaming at me to get out of the dorm, but my head was liking every minute, then there was my heart, my stupid in-decicive heart, was thumping in my chest.

the fact I was in my PJs, I felt uncomftable, like I shouldn;t be doing this with Drew, expecialy at this time of night. He brought his hand to my face, before I could do anything, he kissed my lips, a soft kiss. But he built it up to a full on kiss. I tried to break away, pushing gentley against his chest, giving him a warning. But he didn't take it. He puched me back on the bed, my heart now screaming for me to run. Sure, now it tells me. I scraped at his arms, trying to loosen his grip, but nothing was stopping him from kissing me. I wanted to cry.

This is not the boy I thought Drew was. I thought he was different deep down, way, way deep down, I thought he was a decent guy. But no, this one time, I was dead serious wrong. We kissed for longer than my liking. And we were edging towards the covers, his hand un-doing my buttons on my top, slowly working his way up. I slapped his hand away as he poked his tounge in my mouth. I shuct my mouth, but he didn't care, he was forcing his way through, gradually getting there. My top was on the erge of falling off, and me and Drew were on the erge of getting into the covers.

it must have been three O'clock now. I was getting tired. Almost sleepy. Drew, he was pretty muchkissing me to sleep. I didn;t relise what he was doing until I had relised that I was falling asleep, I snapped up, still kissing Drew, with my PJ bottoms half way down my tanned legs. I slapped his leg so hard, my hand tingled again, but he pushed against me, forcing me down. I grabbed at his neck and shuved him off me, he chocked and rubbed his neck, breaking away form the kiss, and me all together.

I gasped in horror, irrtation, annoyence, and my mind was gasping because of the fact that me and Drew didn;t get further. I know I shouldn't have let Drew take me into his dorm.

I made for the door, pulling my PJ bottoms up, and then buttoning my top back up. I was close to crying, and when I sawDrew reach to embrace me into a hug, I screamed,

"NO!" And tears formed into my eyes. "I HATE YOU!" I cried and opend the door.

"Jessica, WAIT!"

"NO!" I ran away crying, I came to my dorm in no time, I wasn't to far from drews dorm - unfortunatly. Drew cought me before I shut my door. He put his foot in the way, and put his hand round my waist. I didn't pull away, and I didn't slap or anything. I let him pull me closer as he whispered in my ear,

"Tonight was good, I'm sorry," and with that, he embraced me into a soft kiss. But that was how we started out back at his dorm. At that thought I broke apart early.

"Drew," I whispered back. "That was to close for comfort," a tear rand down my chhek as he nodded his head, and rubbed his eyes.

"Like I said, I'm sorry, I still havn't got out of my Player habbits."

"You done that to other girls? Not just me?" Anger boiled inside me. I hate this boy so much, I wanted to puch the daylights out of him. Only so you can have a good snog in the dark with him for the rest of your life. My stupid mind got the better of me. I lent forward and whispered in his ear, "Do it again, and I swear, you wont see me again." And I flicked my hair and slamed my door. I'm never

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