The Player Gets Played

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My sleek black hair rested on my shoulders, seeping down to my waist. My brilliant brown eyes glinted in the dark. I smiled at myself, the stars were out, and the sea collapsed around the boat. Such a beautiful picture.

I have been on this boat for half a day now, and it seems like a dream. New people, new surroundings, peaceful, the best. I was happy here, I came from a big city, New York in fact. It's all good there, but the traffic, the noise and the cars, it gets to much sometimes. This boat was huge, better than any I have been on. It's more like a cruise ship if you ask me.

I havn't made any friends yet, but to be fair, I was in my room all the time, unpacking my belongings.

The night sky was slowly getting light, must be two in the morning by now. I better make my way back, just to be on the safe side.

My room was small and cramped. I didn't mind, I was one of the lucky ones who doesn't have to share with anyone! As soon as I got back into my room, I looked in the mirror. My reflectional self looked back at me. My body a perfect outline, my hair fell straight without me trying, my eyes a deep brown. I admit I am pretty, I'm popular and all, but I see right through people, from the first time I talk to someone, I know who they are. From bitch, to player, from player, to friend. I'm good like that. I'm smart and cunning, and not afraid to make a point. My name is Jessica. Jessica Tinwell. I wear only the best of clothes, and pick only the worthiest of friends.

I got into the shower and washed my hair, the shampoo covering my eyes. There was a knock at my cabin door. Who was this going to be at half past two in the morning?

I crept out the shower as soon as I washed the rest of the shampoo off my hair. I pulled a towel around me as I heard another knock at the door. I opened it cautiously and peeked my head through. There was a boy looking down at a paper, a register maybe,

"Jessica Tinweel?" He asked.

"Uhh, it's Tinwell," I corrected him, clearing my throat. He shook his head and looked up,

"You sure?"

"Pretty sure." He took a second look at me, and stared into my eyes. I suddenly felt very uneasy, one thing was is because I was in my towel, and the other was because this guy was hot. We stayed in an on going silence. He looked back down at the register,

"I...I will make sure they change that," his cute face turned into a small crease of confusion. He ticked my name on the list and moved onto the next dorm.

"See ya 'round" I whispered to myself, I bit my soft pink lips and shut the door. "Snap out of it" I told myself. "Just a boy," I didn't manage to conclude on his personality. I was to dazzled by his good looks and flattered by his smooth voice. I thought him over, his attitude, appearance, the way he looked at me, his confidence. I nodded to myself, I needed more research on his background before I get to attached.

Making my way back to the shower, I run my perfectly shaped fingernails across the surface of the desks. I finished off washing myself over with the softest of Dove Soap. It's beautiful sent filling the air around me. After my shower, I pull on some skinny jeans and a smooth silver top. It's shine reflected to my eyes as I checked myself over in the mirror. Another knock at the door. I opened and folded my arms,

"My name is Drew, by the way," it was the register boy! I smiled gently and nodded my head, what more could I do? He walked away with a playful smirk. Obviously pleased with himself. I shut the door and got back to me. This boy was after something, I just need to find out what. I loaded my face with make-up, making me more beautiful than normal. I pulled on my black high heel boots and looked back in the mirror. This must impress him. Wait...Him? Nooooo! I was thinking of Drew! I couldn't have been. I don't know him all that well!

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