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Emil was already out of the room when I woke up. I got up and put on some pajamas because I wasn't quite ready to get into clothes yet. I exited the room and walked down stairs remembering last night and intensely blushing but the feeling is replace by a, Oh shit I have to walk in front of people that know what happened. By the time I reached down stairs I seen Berwald And tried to avoid him but he turned around and gave me a stare that could kill a puppy on the spot. "Y' kpt Ptr wk ll nght" (You kept Peter awake all night). I let out a nervous chuckle "S-sorry Bert eheheheheh" I tried to cheer him up but his expression wouldn't loosen. I heard screams from the kitchen....Tino's screams? 

"NO YOU PUT THE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS THERE NOT THERE, UGH!" Tino yelled flustered. Tino usually plays Santa for Christmas but in reality he's pretty much satin, well that's what the older people call him anyways. I looked at Berwald and besides a scary face he had a terrified face looking at me for help. "BERTWALD WHERE ARE YOU WE NEED A TALL PERSON, GOD DAMN IT, NO ALFRED WE DON'T PUT THOSE THERE!" Tino Yelled once again. "Cm'ng wf" (Coming Wife) Bertwald sighed out and walk towards the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and seen that it was beautifully decorated , The thing is Tino may be harsh but in the end its always breathtaking.When Elizabetha seen me he face turned into a sly smile"So (Y-n) Anything...Special happened yesterday,Specifically last night" She said deviously. "Oh great can I just go back to my room and eat breakfast ther-" Before I could finish Tino shot his head my way with the devils look in his eyes. "Or I can stay down here and decorate with Tino ,seems like a better idea" I chuckled again and Tino smiled "Thats great! Glad you can help" Tino giggled. Is this even the same person? 

Thats when Allistor walked into the room and hugged me "I swear to god lass if you were forced just say the word and i'll kill Emil for you" He whispered, "Wha-" But I was cut off "SO HE DID DO IT!" He took a drag of his cigarette and stomped it out on the floor. " EMIL LAD WE HAVE A FEW THINGS TO TALK ABOUT!" I heard Allison scream out as he was walking into the other room I looked over to Arthur and he just kinda looked...Sad. "Hey Arty whats wrong" I asked him and then he looked in the other directions "Well love, Its just that....Allison is more of a bigger brother to you then he was to me" He sighed out, I felt bad because Allison kinda avoided Arthur...Even to today they don't talk much. I was about to apologized until Arthur spoke up again looking at me with tears in his eyes but smiling "But I'm so happy that he can be responsible and be the big brother that he wasn't to me" Arthur sniffled. Thats when I hear Emil yelp from another room Let out a sigh "Allison I swear If theirs on scratch on him I wont buy you any liquor for a week!" I walked off and went into the room where I heard the yelp from but it wasn't because of Allison instead I seen a girl with purple hair hugging him....NO WAY!

The girl with the purple hair seen me and smiled such a big smile that you would think it would hurt. "(Y-n)!!!" She ran towards to me and pretty much tackled me "K-karline what are you doing here?" I stammered from seeing a friend that I haven't seen in a long time....A LOOONG TIME. "OhMyGodIt'sSoNiceToSeeYouAgain,GahHowAreYou?!?" She spoke rapidly like her life depended on it "I'm Good howa bout you?" I giggle remembering the great times we had. "I'mGreatIJustFinishedThisGreatBookAndWaowICan'tEvenTellYouHowGreatItWas" She continued in her rapid talk gushing over the book.

Now Karline had something special about her that the doctors can't figure out why but she has lilac colored blood. Its pretty crazy but its also very beautiful and is one of the reasons why I fell in love with Emil's eyes."Long time no see Karline" Emil chuckled as Karline inspected both of us but started to grin"SoooYouTwoAreDateing" Karline giggled "Wha-HOW DID YOU KNOW?" Emil says surprised. "OhPleaseItsNotHardToTell"she put her fingers over her mouth. Thats when I heard rapid foot steps "KAAAAARRRLIIINNNNEEEEE!" I hear Elizabetha scream and she tackled Karline and hugged the life out of her. "Oh dear,Elizabetha you're going to kill the poor girl..." I heard Emil murmur, Elizabetha rubbed her cheek agents Karlines "Oh my god its so good to see you how many years has it been?!"Elizabetha Exclaimed. "WellItsBeenFour" She talked abit slower  since she was recovering from Elizabetha. Thats when Lukas crashed into the room "Elizabetha be careful you don't just have to worry about you any mo-" Elizabetha cut him off "Its fine Lukas see I'm Okay!" Elizabetha stood up having her hand on her waist."Elizabetha what does he mean" I asked her, But she only grinned and said "Its a secret till tonight's dinner".

Thats when you can hear another scream "KARLINNEEE" Tino ran into the room and glomped her,Hugging her waist while he was on his knees. "Wha-TinoYouMissedMeThatMuch?"She giggled. "Who hasn't missed you that much!? ILoveYouILoveYouILoveYou" He rubbed his head agenst her waist.....Oh yea....He has a thing for he still. "MATHIS NO THAT WAY! WAIT WAIT GAHHHH" You can heard Alfred screaming and a very loud crash after words Tino went 0-100 very quickly and ran toward the room. "I Swear if you ruined my room there will be hell to pay!" You can hear Tino yell.

"Hey Karline can you stay for dinner?" I questioned "SureWhyNotFreeFood!"...

~Lel time skip to dinner~ 

"Pass me the....Everything"Alfred laughed his "Hero" laugh and took one of everything. "Alfred how do you not have diabetes at this point" Arthur poked his stomach with a questioned look on his face."Well i'm The Hero and hero's don't get stopped from things like that!" He laughed again before Elizabetha tapped her spoon to the glass. "Okay listen up me and Lukas has something to say.." Elizabetha had a bit of excitement in her voice. Lukas looked at her and she looked at him then they both looked at us a said in unison "WERE HAVEING A CHILD!"


Anyways Karline is a Oc My friend Captain Sparkles created so all of the credit goes to her and I hope I didn't screw up or anything with her (If I did Im sorry) 

Anyways I wanted this chappie to get out early for the huge delay on the last one and ye.

So anyways Children will be born

But when did they have the frickle frackle...NONE OF YO BUSINESS

Imma sleep now...WAIT....I started Naruto....Thats all



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