New Life

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~~A few months Later~~

I woke up to the sound of music blasting and the smell of breakfast.  I brushed my hair and teeth not bothering to change out of the silky night gown.

When I found the source of noise it was Alfred making waffles and eggs with a incredible amount of bacon. " Shesh were just feeding a few people not a whole nation" Alfred looked at me and laughed loudly " RIGHT! AHAHAHAH-" Arthur threw a flip flop at the back of Alfreds head 


"Stop being so loud and maybe you wouldn't get hurt"


"Oh yea? You were just begging for me to make you  scream last night and you were screaming "ALFRED MORE PLEASE" " Alfred smirked while Arthur turned a dark shade of red.

"Okay i'm just going to leave you two for your sexual frustrations" I said while backing out of the room but bumping into Emil . " I swear you guys are so loud " Emil rubbed his eye. "Your talking about Alfred and Arthur last night right?" I snickered. "Shut up please, Its not like that" Arthur rubbed his head.

Emil and I was laughing when more people walked into the room "(Y-n) the joke went too far m'kay" Alfred mumbled. " Ah it was a good joke Al" I said patting his back.


Mathias walked into the room tired  and looked at Alfred and Arthur " I hate you two so much"  then walked into the next room  at this point me and Emil were trying our hardest not to laugh "Oh so its just a joke, eh?" I said questioningly stifling a laugh.

Alfred blushed and looked at the ceiling " I just remembered that I had to tend to the..uh..Garden! AH YES THE GARDEN" He ran out of the room. We all looked at Arthur " Hmm so what was it like?Was it kinky?" Elizabetha nudged him. 

Mathis yelled from another room "KINKY AS FUCK!" and Me, Emil and Elizabetha were on the floor laughing till we cried. "Ahhaha oh my god my sides" Emil wiped a tear away from his eye. " Just like the old times right (Y-)-' She stopped and looked at the ground then Lukas walked into the room " Why is the most beautiful girl in the world so down on this beautiful day"He said wapping his arms around Elizabetha.

 (I ship Hungary and Norway and don't you dare fucking judge .3. ) 

"Hm no i'm fine" She looked up at him and smiled and he smiled back "Oh my god he's smiling again, Emilio(XD Shut up) get the camera" I nudged his side. "Emilio what kind of name is that" he snorted then  jabbed his fingers into my sides " GAAH EMIL NO MY SIDES" I screeched then jabbed my fingers into his sides.

This went on for a few minuets until none of us breath from the laughter . "So how about some breakfast m'lady" Emil bowed and  and reached his hand out. I grabbed onto his hand " Sounds most divine" We started walking towards the table hand and hand  where the waffles and bacon was served. 

Most of the others were seated and eating and others were already done and cleaning their plates off. So me and Emil seated and ate some some waffles while the rest finished and went to clean their plates off as well.

When we finished I grabbed Emil's plate and took it to the sink where I washed some of the others and put it in the dish washer.

 When I was done I went to the living room couch and turned on the Tv where I watched Sponge Bob for a hour and a half till Gilbert sat down and smiled one of my favorite smile before laughing at what I was watching "VAT IS ZIS ITS A CHILDREN'S SHOW! TOTALLY NOT AWESOME (Y-n)" He poked my cheek while laughing. 

"Pff shut up and go CONFESS YOUR UNDYING LOVE FOR RODERICH ALREADY, GILBERT!" I yelled so it was audible though the entire house. He slapped his hand over my mouth "Alright ,Alright S-shut up" He muttered as his pale skin turned a vibrant color of red. That's when Elizabetha slid across the tile floor with socks on in the door way " Oh so undying love for Roderich you say" She stroked her chin as if she had a beard. "Better yet how the hell did you slide like that and not fall" I asked amazed.

His Eyes (Bully! Iceland X Bullied! Reader) DiscontinuedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя