Day 2

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I'm so sorry, that it took me so long to update. I had the whole chapter written and was about to edit it when I accidentally deleted it without saving. I got really frustrated and I didn't want to red-write it so I didn't, until I forced myself to do it. I promise I'll post the next chapter sooner.



At my old pack, it was optional for women to train. In the Red Valley pack, it wasn't. I ate a quick breakfast before heading out to the training fields. I had never fought in my life and I knew I would be awful. It was only now that I realized how big this pack truly was, there were at least 200 people here to train and the elderly and the children didn't have to train.

The beta was the one leading the training because the Alpha and the faux Luna had other things to do. I watched as everybody grabbed a partner and I was left awkwardly standing out in the crowed. A girl about my size ran up to me

"I'm your new partner" She didn't leave me time to respond as she ran off to talk to her friends. A pull made me swing my gaze over the crowed to behind me, where my mate stood. He was watching me carefully. I took my eyes off him as I saw Olivia walk up to him and place a kiss on his cheek.

When my partner, who still hadn't told me her name, came back to my side, the beta had told us to start practicing. In this pack, we learned by trial and error. There were no specific moves taught or learnt. I watched the other pairs for a minute trying to learn by watching. When my partner went into fighting stance, I had no idea what I was doing. I decided to leave all the fighting to her and try to doge. The less bruises I had the better. So that's what we did, she continuously trying to hit me and my continuously dodging. She didn't complain about my lack of movement. When I felt ready, I watched as her fist came towards my face and I ducked under her arm and ran straight into her stomach pushing her to the ground and knocking the wind out of her.

"You learn fast. Keep this up and you'll become better than me" I laughed a little, but I know she was just saying that.

"Maybe" Was all I replied before she continued to swing and I continued to try to find new ways around her stance. Something behind my partner caught my eye and trying to see what was going on I slowed my movement and suddenly I got a fist to my face. The impact sent me a few steps back holding onto my cheek.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" My partner rushed towards me. Her alarmed voice got the attention of a few groups around us and I gingerly stood up. I wanted to see what had gotten my attention. It was the Alpha talking to the beta. The beta had a smirk on his face and the Alpha had a cocky look on his face. The thing that caught my attention was the fact that they were both looking at me. The look on the Alpha's face told me that he had found another reason as to why I couldn't be the Luna: I couldn't fight.

I took an ice cold shower after training. When I got out I dressed and looked at myself in the mirror. I had a nasty bruise forming on my cheek. I contemplated covering it up, but then I realized that it would look like I was embarrassed. I'm not, I learned from getting hit in the face.

By the time I left the room it was lunch. Lunch was the only meal were everyone had to attend if you wanted to eat. Breakfast and dinner was a free for all in the pantry, but during lunch, the pantry was locked and if you wanted to eat, you did it with the rest of the pack.

People stopped to stare at my bruise but nobody asked anything. I could feel the pull of my mate on the other side of the room. It was getting stronger even though we'd only met two days ago. He was sitting at the head of a table with Olivia on his lap. Maybe I wouldn't eat this lunch. I could just go back to my room. No, that would mean that I admit defeat. If I could feel the pull, so could he, and even if it would drive me crazy eventually, it would drive him crazy too. I felt his gaze on me and I kept my expression cold and icy. This lunch would be hell.

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