Day 0

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"I still don't understand why we have to change packs"

"Mia, stop complaining and be grateful, in the Red Valley Pack we'll be safer. Besides, there are a lot more guys in this pack, so maybe you'll find your mate" My mom answered. I scoffed and put my head phones back in my ears before turning to look outside, my mom and I didn't have the best relationship. I was sure going to miss my old pack. Yeah, they weren't the biggest, strongest pack around, but I had friends and in the end I was happy.

"I don't understand why we would need to be safer, we were fine in our old pack" My parents gave each other a look before I heard my dad sigh. We soon arrived at a small village and I stepped out of the car. I was wearing combat boots and a flannel, my signature look. I always felt more confident in this. I kept my head held high as I took my bags out of the car and tried to ignore the staring eyes of my future pack members.

"I'm the beta of this pack, the Alpha and the Luna will be pleased to see you" A tall muscular man put his hand out for my dad to shake. I lowered the volume of my music a tad bit, so I could hear what they said next, but they were whispering and all I heard were mumbles. Suddenly my mom, my dad and the beta turned to look at me.

"What?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Follow me" The beta motioned to me. I swung my duffle bag over my shoulder and followed up the path. This pack was in fact very large compared to my old one. We were headed straight for some important looking buildings. One of them I assumed was the pack house, the other was probably the Alpha's house and a main office for the whole pack. We walked straight up to what I assumed was the Alpha's house and the beta knocked on the door. All my nerves were on edge, but I just blamed it on the fact that I was moving to a new pack and I was about to meet my Alpha and Luna. I could feel my wolf getting restless and was beginning to wonder if something was wrong. I quickly paused my music and took my headphones out, shoving them into my pocket.

"Come in" I heard a deep voice call out. When the beta pushed the door open my stomach clenched itself and I felt nauseous. Had I somehow gotten car sick after I got out of the car? Was that even possible? I looked up slowly to see a very attractive man sitting at a desk in the middle of a giant room. He was beautiful, and I knew right away why I was feeling sick to my stomach. He was my mate, and he already had a mate. I could feel his eyes go up my body and when they reached my eyes, I could see the pain, anger and desperation in them. All of my body wanted to run to him and kiss him until I couldn't breathe anymore and feel his hands on my body, but I kept my feet planted where they were. I would not be taking another step closer to him.

"Who is this?" A cheerful voice made him look away at a pretty girl. One look at my Alpha's face told me that this was her, his mate. How was this even possible? I was his mate, every bone in my body knew that it was true, yet here he was, staring into the eyes of someone else. My wolf growled, and he broke eye contact with the pretty girl and turned to me again. His eyes held guilt. I could feel my heart pulsing with anger. How dare he find a mate without waiting for me. I had waited a long time for this too, only to find out he was already taken. I would have none of this.

"Explain, what the fuck is going on?" The beta grabbed my arm sharply which was definitely going to leave a bruise later.

"You will not speak to the Alpha and the Luna of this pack in that way or you will be severely punished"

"No, let her" I heard the deep voice say. The pretty girl shot him a curious look. "Can I speak to her in private" He motioned at the beta and the girl. The girl huffed and crossed her arms over her chest making her cleavage get bigger.

"Why do I have to leave?" Her voice came out whinny.

"Leave" he said calmly, not once taking his eyes off me

"Can you look at me while you speak?" He turned to look at her and she smiled while clenching her arms tighter to her chest. "Can I stay?" She pushed her bottom lip out

"No." He says not fazed by her. She stomped her foot.

"We will be talking about this later" she said in a dark voice before leaving the way she came, the beta following and closing the door behind him. The Alpha turned to look at me. I didn't move as I watched him get out of his seat and take a step closer

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" I wouldn't be able to control myself if he were to get closer.

"I'm sorry" Something told me that he wasn't talking about the fact that he had gotten closer but about something concerning that girl. "She's not my mate, when I couldn't find you I made her my Luna." I think I'm going to puke. I took a deep breath and clenched my jaw.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I couldn't wait any longer for a mate, you need to understand that" I didn't respond. I felt sick. I didn't feel like crying, I felt like peeling her skin off and feeding it too her. "We can't be together" It was taking everything in me not to throw myself at him, why was this so easy for him?

"Reject me"


"Fine, then I will. I, Mia Hems, reject..."

"Wait stop, please don't"

"I thought you had already made up your mind about me"

"You can't. The whole pact will be able to feel if I get rejected. I can't let them know that I found my mate, or the pact will fall apart."

"So, you want to just keep stringing me along." I said flatly

"The longer we stay apart the easier it will get" I can't believe I was negotiating with my own mate, how to keep us a secret.

"Look were made for each other. You either do something about her, or I will reject you" I knew I was being harsh on him, but he was an Alpha and I was his mate and he couldn't just keep pretending I didn't exist. I started swinging my headphones around my fingers carelessly.

"I'm sorry I can't"

"I'll give you a month to reconsider" He roared at this.

"I am the Alpha and I will be making all the rules. You will do as I say"

"That may be the case, but I have the power to reject you." He was speechless at this. His mouth dropped and before I put my headphones back in my ears, I turned to look at him.

"Close your mouth or you'll catch a fly" He closed his mouth and stared agape at me as I left the room.

I wanted to empty the contents of my stomach out on the grass, but half the pack was watching me walk out the Alpha's office with my head held high. The beta was waiting for me on the other side of the door and I wondered if he had heard our conversation. I followed him to the pact house as he led me to a room.

I had one month to get him. To show him all that he was missing with me.

I was walking through the hallway after I had unpacked, when I ran into someone, we fell to the floor in a laughing mess or tangled limbs and as I turned to look at the person I ran into, I find out it was a girl about the same age as me. We took a moment to look at each other before I introduced myself.

"Mia" and stuck out my hand for her to shake


"Nice to meet you"

"Are you new around here?"


"I can give you a tour if you want"


And just like that I spent the rest of my afternoon with a girl I had just met. 

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