Chapter 9

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13 Sep, 15

I pick Lux's sleeping body up from the car and follow Harry as he opens the door to my house.

I chuckle as I notice the drool on Lux's mouth and click a picture of her after laying her down on my bed.

" Zayn! I am hungry." Harry says as he walks into my room.

My stomach growls and we share a look.

" I will call the chinese restaurant. " Harry says walking away with his phone to find the menu I had put somewhere in the kitchen the last time we were here.

I had to go buy some groceries, the boys will be here soon so there had to be something to eat .

I stare at the pendant Lux had been gushing about all the way back. I knew she was definitely the girl from the video and she was even cuter in real but could she be the girl I talked on phone too?

I mean why would someone just randomly tell someone their name as Angry bird. Or was it just one big fat coincidence?

" It would be here in 15. " Harry says and I nod following him to the living room and plopping myself on the couch while Harry follows suit.

" Hey you have been quite since we left the airport. What happened? "

" I am just confused. There's this girl...."

I start telling him from the start and he listens intently.

I was curious .They could be the same but the girl I had seen in the video had a carefree happy aura about her, the girl I talked to on the phone sounded resigned, emotionless even and the girl I saw at the airport she was smiling but I had seen her eyes wet. If they were one girl, what had caused so much change? But there was one question, how would she know I saved her contact name as angry bird.

" I don't know how to confirm they are the same girls? " I say more to myself.

" That's easy." I stare at him confused .

" And they have a dumb moments of Harry Styles video on YouTube. " Harry says shaking his head at me and I smile at that. I had seen that video, it was really cute but I am not telling him that.

I stare at him questioningly.

" Zayn , you have her number , call her and you can easily ask how she spent her day or where she was and Boom - There's your answer." He replies slowly as if explaining a child.

I nod at that, I could do that. The bell rings and Harry runs to the door.

After we have the Chinese food, which was delicious by the way, Harry goes to sleep in my room with Lux while I go to the roof.


It had become too much to take. Talking with that little girl was a struggle. Moving on was so much harder than it appeared to be.

I sigh as I run the brush across across the what used to be a white canvas. My drawing skills were shit but it's not like someone was expecting a master piece from me. My dad used to paint and whenever I felt sad or angry he would bring me here, his drawing room and dip a brush in paint, hand it to me and say let go. The first time he asked me to do that, I didn't knew how it would help but once the canvas started getting filled with my haphazard brushing and random lines and shapes, I felt relieved.
The result was always a very scary looking painting which would probably give Leonardo Da Vinci nightmares for a lifetime but it did help letting go.

The Phone call - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now