Perhaps he was waiting for Cree to declare me as his mate to save us from embarrassment and spare me my ability to find my mate. If my mate isn't Cree and it is said that I had lost my virtue to him, I would be rejected by my mate instantly, despite never actually going as far as that with Cree.

Lord Dion used a piece of his shirt to wipe the stains off his palms as he spoke to us, "To celebrate our victory we will be going to a ball hosted by the King. Tonight we bask in glory." He pauses to look at me, and with a nod of his head continues. "Tomorrow we mourn our loss."

✧ ✧ ✧

I looked intently upon the sight. The castle was bold beyond the starry night sky, glistening in the moonlight. Every stone was even and square, as if those who built it were set on perfection.

They probably were, after all, these were walls made to protect the highest community of werewolves in the Kingdom of Lodestar. But these walls were not made to echo with laughter and be the shelter they needed. No.

These walls were made to keep the other three kingdoms out. These walls were even made to establish dominance over the houses within the north, telling the common wolves that we do not have the same safety and security as the King.

My father had always talked about this castle. Always wanting to be able to visit it one day, just as he did when he was a child. He never will be able to visit it again, and I knew now that this fort of stone was built on blood and bone, and that if it could talk, we would all beg for deafness. These walls are whispers of the ages, tales of lives lost and deaths of agony no one should ever feel.

I briefly examined Lord Dion as he gracefully made his way up the stone steps, my house members following close behind.

I sighed, my saddened breath visible even in the dark. I knew these walls had so much to say, but no ears willing to listen.

It was at times like this that I wished I was just a little servant girl that could stay in the confinement of Arvendon. Unluckily for me, wherever my lord went, I was always close by to ensure his survival.

At least tonight I was allowed to wear more extravagant attire, instead of in the servants charcoal grey dress. Lord Dion wanted me to appear up kept, clean and tidy. For once my hair was pulled up, instead of in a braid. Only a few loose strands found their way out of the pins, slightly tickling my skin now and again from the breeze.

Cree notices my eyes lingering on the castle. He joins my side, offering to walk with me, rather than with the men, so I wouldn't have to bare this night alone.

"I have something I need to talk to you about tonight." Cree whispers to me between his smiles and waves to people as we make our way inside the large black castle doors.

Before I have the chance to ask any questions, Lord Dion calls Cree to join him in conversation with another lord. Cree nods to our lord before turning to face me.

"I'll find you later." His smile was wide, with his eyes holding a glimmer of excitement. He turns quickly and walks to our lord with his head held high.

I stand there, taking in my surroundings, not entirely sure of what I should be doing. Being a healer did not give me any advantages for social events. I was to stay quiet, stay out of the way, not to make eye contact, and to stay close to my lord.

My head hung low, looking down to the almost reflective floor. I use my eyes to sheepishly glance around, just enough so that I could see, but no one would notice my wondering gaze.

From the corner of my eye, I notice some lords of our allies nodding at me in approval. I dare not to draw any attention, knowing that they would often wager a price to Lord Dion to buy me for their house if they did not have a healer since we are scarce to come by after the Era-dication.

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