Ch.1 - How It All Started

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Just go kill yourself! She screamed, turning to leave the girl tear faced and broken.

Please, please don't leave me here. You're the only person I can count on.
Plea- The girl calls out, soon being cut off by the one she truly depended on. The one she relied on to stay by her side no matter what.

I've been there with you, always, but... I just can't do it anymore. No more.
She says, shaking her heads while grasping the doorknob. Only when she's half way out the door does she speak again.

I'm sorry.

That's it. Those are the last words I hear her say to me. I just can't understand what I did or said to deserve this. Suddenly, those sick words come crawling back into my head. "Just go kill yourself ."

At this point I feel worthless. Helpless. No one is there for me when I truly need them. This is all my fault. How can't it be. I'm just so... done I can't do this anymore. I want to cared for and loved but no matter what I do or try to do, it never adds up.

I pick myself off of my bedroom floor. Muttering the words "You'll finally be free," as I make way to my mother's bathroom.

Opening the medicine cabinet, I grab a random pill bottle and squeeze it tight in the palms of hands. I look up into the mirror in front of me, gazing at the person reflecting back at me. A heavy sigh leaves my quivering lips as a another rolls down my face.

I then pop open the pill bottle, whispering to the empty space "please forgive me" before tossing then into my mouth.

Since that very moment, life for everyone around me, has never been the same.

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