Chapter 1: The New Girl

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I woke up with sweat covering my face, my eyes wide, and my heart beating abnormally fast.

 "It was just a dream..." I tell myself. I look over to my left, and see my alarm clock flashing 4:38 am.

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, I get up to get ready for a morning run. I change into a black sports bra and dark grey shorts. While slipping on my shoes, I pull out my ear buds and phone. 

I walk out of my apartment and lock the door.

I run down the stairs as a warm up. I bust through the main entrance of the complex building. The cool autumn wind blows my hair back, making it easier for me to run. I have no idea where I am going since I just moved here, but I just keep going.

An hour and a half later, I've circled the very small town so many times I've lost count. I head back to my apartment and start to get ready for school with only 30 minutes to do so.

Once I am in the place that is apparently home, I get in the shower and wash my sweaty body and hair, then put on my outfit. I chose my usual dark skinny jeans, white V-neck shirt, and leather jacket. I apply some eyeliner and make a smokey eye then put on some mascara. I walk to the front door and put on my combat boots. I grabbed my keys and bag, then I jog to my Harley Davidson street 750 motorcycle and drive off to school.

When I get there, I kill the engine and shove my helmet into my bag. I look around and notice everyone staring, most likely because everyone else owns a car instead of a motorcycle.

I walk towards the main entrance and everyone starts whispering. Once I enter about the 'new girl with the motorcycle' as I heard one kid call me. Two things i learned about this school is one, it's your typical cliche high school with the jocks and cheerleaders, and two, the people here really need to learn how to whisper because I can hear them all loud and clear.

I had already picked up my schedule yesterday, so I just start walking to my first period class which is math in room 217. I look at the nearest door to my right and see that its room 134. The bell has gone 5 minutes ago but I'm not stressing because I can use the 'sorry, I'm new here and got lost' line. Sighing, I start walking.

Once I found room 214, I bust the door open and about two dozen eyes snap towards me. I make my way towards the back of the room and just as I am about to sit down, the five-foot two teacher clears her throat and said, "And you are?"

"Blair. Blair Evans." I reply, my face void of emotions. 

"Well Blair Evans would you like to share something about yourself?" The teacher folded her arms across her chest.

"Nope," I reply with a smug look.

She starts getting annoyed with my short answers. In a very high pitched tone she said, "I'm certain the class would like to know about you. So, why don't you tell us something."

 "Nah, I'm good." I said. I heard the boys behind me snicker, which causes a smirk to appear on my face. The teacher huffs in annoyance, and returns to teaching the class.

I take my ear buds out of my pocket and plug them into my phone. "Chills" by Down With Webster started blasting through my ear buds, and blocked out the rest of the world.

It was third period, and there was only two minutes left until lunch. The bell finally rang, so I bolted out of the room and proceeded towards the cafeteria. Once I entered, the place was already loud. As I made my way to the lunch line, people started to whisper and stare. Meanwhile, I just looked ahead with my blank expression. I ended up buying an apple and water because I didn't have much money.

I spotted an empty table at the opposite side of the cafeteria and walk towards it. All of a sudden a blue eyed, blonde bimbo stops me. I noticed that she was barely wearing anything. I tried walking around her, but she grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I looked up at her, and met her gaze.

"Well, well, looks like there's a new freak in town." said the bimbo, who I do not know the name of. "Who are you calling a freak?" I asked in a low voice. 

"You, obviously. Who else would I be talking to?" I grabbed her hand that was gripping my wrist, and twisted it while she cried in pain. 

"L-let go" she stuttered. All eyes were on us. I moved myself so that only she could hear what I was about to say. 

"Listen up, bitch. Don't ever fucking touch me again." I let go of her hand and everyone watched with wide eyes. With that being said, I walked out of the cafeteria not even sparing a second glance.

What a great start to a new school.


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