Chapter 32: Dante's Birthday (Part 2) - Too Far Gone

Start from the beginning

“You got the wrong motherfuckin’ one.” Derrick mumbled, holding his right cheek that took the brutal blow from Sean. I seized opportunity and punched Derrick, remembering how he kissed my Dante. But I didn’t stop there. I just kept hitting him with everything I had. But eventually he retaliated. He delivered blows that were a bit overwhelming, but I was no punk. Dante, Sean, and Kelsey were trying to break the fight up but they were failing.

                I uppercut Derrick and he stumbles back but then grabs me and slams me on the floor. He straddles me and starts hitting me in my chest; making my breathing uneven. I know I was losing at this point but I was not going to give up. I managed to elbow Derrick in his gut and this threw him off for a moment, allowing me to hit him in the face.

“STOP THIS SHIT!” Dante yelled, grabbing hold of Derrick and slamming him on the wall. This took me by surprise and I know it took Derrick by surprised. Suddenly, an older man who I figured was Dante’s father came into the room.

“What in the hell is going on?!” He bellowed. Everyone turned to face Dante’s dad.

“Nothing…I was just leaving…” Derrick mumbled, brushing past Dante and heading out the front door. Dante helped me off the floor and walked me over to his dad, who still seemed confused about what was originally going on.

“Dad, I have someone I want you to meet.” Dante said nervously. I looked at his dad who had an eyebrow raised with a smirk.

“Well I’ll be damned.” His dad said smiling. Dante chuckled, obviously still nervous.

“This is Marcus. Marcus, this is my dad.” Dante said. I stuck out my hand, feeling really nervous. Was Dante coming out to his dad? This is so crazy.

“Nice to meet you, Marcus.” His dad said, shaking me hand.

“Same to you.” I said. He smiled and looked at Dante, then he looked on to Sean and Kelsey.

“Oh yes, they are Sean and Kelsey, my friends.” Dante said. His dad nodded and smiled, greeting them both. Then there was another knock at the door. I really was hoping that Derrick hadn’t come back. Dante’s dad went to the front door and opened. It definitely wasn’t Derrick; looked like a man around his father’s age.

“Hey Reggie.” Dante’s dad greeted with a smile. If I wasn’t sure, I’d think that this Reggie guy was his boyfriend the way they looked at each other.

“Hey, I’m back. We can get ready to head out bowling. Then we can go out to eat as planned. Of course Dante will choose.” Reggie explained with much enthusiasm. Dante smiled and I felt so warm just by the sight of it. The room filled with small chatter as we got acquainted and discussed the plan. Kelsey, Sean, Dante, and I also explained to Dante’s dad what had happened when Derrick was here. I still can’t get over the fact that Derrick kissed Dante before my eyes. Like what the hell? I really could have killed him, but he was a challenge.

                After the discussion, we all went to the bowling alley over by 8 mile, just outside of Detroit. It was really fun and I even won a game which was a shock since I suck at bowling. Dante also won a game so it was good for the birthday boy. From the bowling alley, we headed to TGI Fridays and had a nice little dinner. Sean and Kelsey caused a mini food fight at one point but that’s a whole other story. The night was getting later and by the time we all got back to Dante’s place, it was nearly two in the morning.

“Wow it’s late. I better take Sean and Kelsey home.” I said securing my car keys.

“I want to go with you to drop them off. Can I go dad?” Dante asked.

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