Chapter 24: Valentine's Day

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OMG so it was like a little difficult writing this chapter because I'd get mini periods of writer's block but I got the chapter done. Hopefully you won't hate me after this chapter but it is a very necessary chapter! Everything that happened has happened for a reason!


[Marcus' POV]

                I laid on my bed just staring up at the white ceiling. I wasn’t exactly sure what I’d be doing tomorrow since it was a horrid day tomorrow…Valentine’s Day. Normally, I would be excited for such a day but since I’m single and still getting over a broken heart, I’m going to be miserable. It’s been a week since I also talked to Dante. He seems to be taking it better than I thought he would. I miss him but I was the one who pushed him away. Honestly, I thought he’d ignore my request to stop talking and be persistent like before…That didn’t happen.

Dante seems a bit taken back so don’t get me wrong, but it’s also like he’s not bothered by our distance. I only asked for distance because I’m not ready for a relationship again and I am still stuck on Chanel, who still constantly tries to talk to me. But I know she’s still with Benard and I guess that’s how it’s going to be.  I felt my phone start buzzing, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“What?” I answered the phone.

“I called to try and talk to you.” Chanel replied.

“Talk. I’m not sure why you still even bother to try talking to me.” I sneered. My attitude has gotten really bitter towards Chanel over this past week while at the same time, I’ve grown less attached.

“I’m not with Benard anymore…” Chanel breathed out. My heart stopped and my mouth flew open. Words couldn’t even formulate as I remained silent. After a few minutes, I began finding words to say.

“Well good for you. Why are you telling me?” I asked, still trying to sound like I didn’t care.

“I want another chance.” She said quickly. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. My mind went into court mode as I decided what I should do. Chanel wants another chance? How can I even trust her?

“I would really have to think about it. But it’s something that it took you so long to break it off with Benard to get back with me. Am I not worth more to you than Benard?” I asked, anger leaking into my voice.

“Marcus I am so sorry…I just…I…please just…give me another chance.” Chanel pleaded. I don’t want to get attached again but maybe I won’t be alone on Valentine’s Day. No I am not crazy but I’ll just take it slow. Yeah. Keep a guard up, because I might not remain with her; she can’t be trusted.

“We can talk tomorrow about this.” I said faking a yawn.

“After practice?” She inquired.

“Sure. I guess.” I replied.

“OK well I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Chanel said.

“See ya.” I hung up looking at the ceiling again. This should definitely be interesting…


                “Are you kidding me?” Kelsey exclaimed, looking at me bewildered. Maybe I shouldn’t have told her that I might be considering giving Chanel another chance.

“Keyword was might.” I said trying to ease Kelsey. She rolled her eyes.

“Marcus after what she did, she doesn’t deserve another chance.” Kelsey said.

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