Chapter 32: Dante's Birthday (Part 2) - Too Far Gone

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OK, Hey everyone! So here is part 2 of Dante's birthday and it's also the chapter where Dante and Marcus finally "DO IT"! It's also near the very end with possibly two chapters at the most remaining. I hope you guys are also checking out No Love Needed! Enjoy!


[Marcus' POV]

     “Marcus just calm down.” Kelsey said to me as I clenched my fists. The guy standing behind Dante looked up at me.

“IS THIS THE NIGGA YOU DATING NOW?” He questioned. Who the fuck was he? Like he really didn’t just ask that.

“Yeah I’m the fucking dude he’s dating now.” I yelled. Sean and Kelsey were giving looks to each other and Dante palmed his face.

“Derrick, GET OUT!” Dante nearly yelled. The guy who I now knew went by the name of Derrick shook his head and looked at me before doing the unthinkable. He grabbed the back of Dante’s neck and pulled him in to a kiss. Time seemed to stand still as I witnessed some stranger kiss my Dante.  Sean and Kelsey gasped and I practically growled.

“OH HELL TO THE FUCKING NO!” I yelled, barging into the house with so much force. Me being pissed was an understatement. I could kill this fool right now. Dante pushed Derrick away and grabbed me.

“We are not about to do this!” He shouted. Derrick shot a smirk at me and I could feel my blood raising so freaking high.

“Dante…move.” I said through clenched teeth.

“Calm down Bro. Just chill.” Sean urged. Dante looked at me and then to Derrick who still had that smug look on his face.

“Let him go Dante, so I can show you that I’m much more of a man than he is. Remember how he had you hurt because he ran out on you to go with his girl? You told me all the things he had ever done to you. And now you are dating the nigga? He ain’t shit.” Derrick said coldly. I looked at Dante in surprise. I wasn’t mad that he had confided in someone because I did do Dante wrong at first. But for someone to throw it back up in my face was not sitting right with me.

“You have no right to talk shit about Marcus because YOU fucked some IHOP waitress when you were supposed to be proving yourself to me. Like we were just on the date and within hours after it’s over, I catch you in bed with the girl. So you can just be quiet.” Dante growled. Kelsey and Sean were trying to calm me but it wasn’t working. This guy comes at me talking shit and kisses my boyfriend. HE KISSED MY BOYFRIEND! Like come on.

                Derrick was silent after Dante said what he said and I couldn’t help but smirk. Seems like Derrick has done his share of hurtful things. But the anger was still there and I definitely did not forget the fact that Dante was kissed by another guy in front of my face.

“I’m sorry Dante. I really am. But after the IHOP waitress, I didn’t sleep with anyone else. I did it for you.” Derrick said quietly. I quickly stepped past Dante; tired of hearing this guy’s mouth.

“Just shut the fuck up and get on somewhere.” I snapped. Dante tugged at my arm trying to pull me back but I snatched away. Derrick didn’t say anything, but instead swung at me with full force. Whoa, this guy could do some serious damage I see.  Sean ran up and clocked Derrick from the side and Kelsey let out a gasp.

“Stop it!” Dante yelled, stepping between the three of us.

“He’s not about to fuck with Marcus like this. If he got a prob with Marcus, he got a prob with me. So we can throw them bitches. I do not give a fuck!” Sean said going off his handle.

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