Chapter 9

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A couple weeks passed and Baekhyun was excited to recieve his copy of the CD he and Chanyeol had made, however Chanyeol told him that it had yet arrived. Baekhyun got a little discouraged, but Chanyeol reassured him. Baekhyun liked that Chanyeol had the power to cheer people up. His happiness was something no one questioned. It was natural to see Chanyeol smiling and happy. If he weren't then the world wouldn't seem the same. Baekhyun wished he hadn't followed everyone else's thoughts about Chanyeol's happiness. He wished that he had gone with his gut and questioned the little things he always brushed off. Little things that most wouldn't question, yet his gut told him to.

"I'm glad I have you." Baekhyun told Chanyeol. Chanyeol smiled, looking at the older, then asking, "Why is that?" to which the okder replied, "You make me happy. You always have, ever since the first day we met. You're my first REAL friend." This made Chanyeol grin widely. "I'm glad I was able to make you happy, hyung." He stated. Baekhyun noticed he had used past tense but, as usual he brushed it off as if it was nothing.

A couple weeks later Chanyeol had snuck up behind Baekhyun. Baekhyun, when realising he was there, jumped before lightly slapping Chanyeol on the shoulder. Chanyeol chuckled and then hugged the older. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Chanyeol said to the older, who just giggled saying it was okay. Baekhyun didn't think anything of the encounter, other than it was the first time they spoke outside of the band room, well other than the time they went to the recording studio. The same recording studio who had yet to send their CDs. Baekhyun decided he would ask Chanyeol about it later during lunch. However, the younger didn't show up. Baekhyun figured he must've checked out early. Once again missing something that he wishes now he had seen before.

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