Chapter 14: Blake Belladonut

Start from the beginning

A knock made its way to her ears. "Come in," she groaned. The doorknob made a familiar clicking noise as the door swung open. "You okay?"

It was Blake.

"I'm fine," the heiress replied morosely. Blake Belladonna knew better.

"Come on." The raven-haired girl padded over and rested a soft hand on her distant cousin's shoulder. "Sitting here and moping won't get you anywhere. Trust me."

Weiss looked up into her best friend's eyes. There was the same darkness in her amber irises that she'd seen when Blake had first arrived at their doorstep, broken yet resolved.

"You're right..." Weiss stood up. "Let's get out of here. I'm sick of looking at white."

Blake smiled. "Me too. Too bad having you around won't change that."


Twenty minutes later, the duo stepped out of Blake's mini limo and onto the patio of Crescent Café. "You know what I'm getting," Blake said as she pulled out her wallet.

Weiss rolled her eyes. "You and tuna salads."

The raven-haired girl laughed in agreement and held the door open for her "cousin". Weiss thanked her, as was customary, and immediately started scanning the menu ahead of her. "I think I want to try something new," Weiss muttered.

When Blake didn't respond, the heiress looked up at her. "Blake?"

Still nothing.

Weiss sighed and followed her gaze to a certain blond and brunette sitting at their favorite table. Oh no.

"What're they doing in our spot? Hold my place," Blake growled and stormed over to reclaim her territory. Weiss couldn't help but laugh at her cousin's feistiness before focusing her attention back to the menu. So long as I don't have to deal with them.


"Hey!" Ruby and Yang were suddenly interrupted from their afternoon snack by a familiar-looking girl.

"Oh, hey, Blake!" Yang dropped her half-eaten donut on its platter and looked absolutely giddy to see her, whereas Blake had anything but a friendly demeanor. It was a pretty funny comparison.

"Yang," the angrier of the two responded, "that happens to be my spot. So if you wouldn't mind kindly moving..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Yang stood up and faced the raven-haired girl to remind her of how she was just a few inches taller. "This is a public place. There is no special spot for anybody. And if it were to be a special spot, it would be ours. Right, Ruby?"

The brunette stopped nibbling her donut for a moment to answer. "We kinda have sat in this spot since we occasionally started coming here, which was about five years ago," she shrugged.

Blake wouldn't relent. "Well, we must've missed each other, then, because Weiss and I sit here multiple times a week and have lived in the area far longer than the two of you."

"I like it when you're feisty," Yang purred, causing both her sister and victim's cheeks to turn a darker shade of red.

And then, Blake did something Ruby never thought anyone would have the guts to do.

She ignored Yang's obvious attempt at flirting.

"I'm not gonna say it again. Get up and scoot over a table or else," Blake growled.

Yang smirked playfully and sat down, despite being shot down. "Well, what're you gonna do, mittens?"

Blake balled her wool-covered fists, retorted, "Fine," and proceeded to forcefully plop down on the blond's lap.

Yang laughed. "Wow, I'm really feeling the pain now!" she chuckled. Ruby couldn't help but smile. It was like her sister and Blake had been best friends for longer than a few days, even if Yang sought something more out of the amber-eyed girl.

"What on Remnant...?" Weiss walked up with a tray in her arms, right on cue.

[AN: hey y'all! Sorry it's been so long since I updated. I've actually had this chapter as a draft for quite a while •-•' but I think I'm gonna pick back up on this lil fanfic, so put away your torches and pitchforks, Savanna. Welcome back to me and you guys, too!]

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