Chapter Two: Tailored Life

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Annabelle awoke early in the morning to the sound of echoed screams. Finding it was only a dream, she moved from her bed and stole the candelabra from her the hall and made her way down to find Hans. Scanning the rooms and peeking in to see which one had been his, she eventually found it after several minutes of looking.

"Is everything alright? Are you hurt?"

"No. I cannot seem to find a single section of this castle that I do not tremble."

"What for?"

"I am going to sound like a child I realize but I feel as though I am being watched. Eyes peeled to me...watching me breathe even..."

"Do you wish to stay here with me?"

"If it is not an imposition of course..."

"Never." He moved aside before bringing away his covers and allowing her to slide in before him. He wrapped his arm around her to keep her warm before they both fell asleep. Sunlight awoke Hans harsh as his curtains were thrown open by a servant girl. When she saw the two of them together, she bit her bottom lip as if she saw something taboo and ran from the room. Hans jumped to his feet and chased after her.

"What are your intentions with such sinister eyes?" He asked the girl as she tried to flee from his grasp. She did not speak a single word, and instead focused her trials on gaining her mobile freedom. It was granted before he followed the servant to Bathory's chambers.

"Madame Bathory, your servant here has with your newest maiden..."

"I see. You are dismissed." The young maiden bowed as the doors were shut with Hans inside of them. He stood shirtless as he wore the scars of his battles upon his body. Elizabeth made note of them as she moved around him and her long legs peeked through the loosely tied robe.

"Is it true what she claims? Are you bedding your master's daughter?"

"I can promise you, that is my last intention."

"Do you take to men instead?" She smirked at the thought before his eyes glared.


"Such a firm voice. Almost threatening if I did not know better. If what you say is true and you were not with her last night, why were you with her when you awoke?"

"The more fitting question is why a servant would awake me so early..."

"Your evading makes me believe my servant even more. To be honest and a fair host, the grounds of my castle require great upkeep. Today is a special day as it is my daughter's birthday. pride and joy...She requires much to be done and as you were brought here to work-"

"I understand...Your majesty, but I would rather awake myself. I was unaware I was to arise before the sun even did..."

"Do not be cheeky. Be polite. I can easily cast your little...lover into the snow and not think twice."

"Are you threatening me your majesty?"

"A warning. If you do not listen, my punishments are cruel and harsh. Worse than anything I am sure you can conjure in that...handsome head of yours."

He gulped as he realized her analyzing and touching was due to her attraction to him. He clenched his jaw as she came close to him. Unbelievable to him, she smelled of death and flowers-an odd combination and one which caused his head to reel.

"May I be excused to dress and-"

"What are the scars from? I must know everything about you...You are an enigma I do not admire. I do not favor surprises or secrets..."

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