Chapter 16; Chill Out

Começar do início

I hear a small knock on my door. I sigh and carefully tuck the walky talky under my clothes in one of my dresser drawers before pulling the door open.

"Christopher. Pleasure." I say with an attitude when I see him standing outside my door.

His dark eyes are sparkling and his hair is messy, like usual.

I'm not mad at him for trying to help Carl kill me. I understand that he was just trying to help his cousin, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to let him get away with it that easily.

"Anna. Haven't seen you in a few days." Chris says and nods his head at me.

"Yes, I believe the last time I saw you was when I killed you. Wasn't much of a challenge, you know?" I say sweetly.

"If you hadn't faked an injury then there wouldn't have been any challenge for me." Chris says and I give him a scornful smile.

"Please." I say with a dismissive wave of my hand. "That just got it over with a little bit more quickly."

"Well we'll just have to see what happens next time then." Chris says with fake cheerfulness.

"Yes, we will." I agree and I immediately know that the two of us are going to spend the entirety of the next 'death' trying to kill each other. Game on.

He glares at me and I glare right back at him.

"Anyways, I'm having a party of sorts." He says casually, leaning up against my door frame. "And I figured you would be up here brooding all by yourself."

"I am not brooding!" I protest and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Okay, maybe I am." I admit and he smirks.

"And since you are my cousin's," He coughs loudly to make a point, "friend, it would only be right for me to be nice to you while he's gone."

"Two things." I say, barely hiding the smile on my face. "One, it's against the rules to have personnel parties, especially past curfew, and two, just because Carl and I are," I cough like he did, "friends, doesn't mean that you have to be nice to me because you pity me."

I'm sure that he knows Carl and I are together again, but I'll play his little game.

"Come down from your high horse, sire." He says in a dramatic voice and I frown at him which only makes him grin. "How old are you?"

"Sixteen." I say, folding my arms over my chest.

"Geez, loosen up a little bit!" He says, straightening up from the door frame. "You're sixteen!"

"Yeah, I didn't realize we were reading this months issue of 'no shit, Sherlock." I say sarcastically.

He gasps dramatically.

"Wow, I didn't realize that you knew that word." He says while I roll my eyes at him.

"I hate to disappoint, but yes Christopher, I know my swear words." I say.

"Really?" He says in a high pitched voice.

"Really." I counter.

Bad Girl (TYG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora