Chapter 2

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ok so remember how Devin commited suicide in abac? so yeaaa he's not dead in this :p

o and dis ^^ Aubree

I called everybody up to set up everything. The Pretty Reckless, Of Mice And Men, The Summer Set, even Ashley because she's in town. Oh, and Pierce The Veil, but shh, don't tell Jayden.

Aubree was really excited that she gets to see Ash, she adores her.

Jayden? Really couldn't care less. All he wants to do is eat and play on is XBOX. He's a teenage boy though, so I can understand.

I stood in the kitchen, looking at the food I made. "Jay! Nate!" I yelled. "Aubree!" They all scurried down the stairs.

"Yes mom?" Aubree said as she stepped into the room.


"Sup Ms. C?"

"So I just made this chicken, but since we're having a barbecue we're obviously going to have other foods. So if you guys want this, go ahead." Nathan smiled.

"Don't mind if I do." Nathan said as he sat down at the kitchen table, digging in.

"Got the stuff!" Austin announced walking into the house.

"Great!" I yelled back. Aubree started going back up the stairs, when I stopped her. "Wait, Aub." She turned around.


"Where'd you get this?" I asked her, holding up her Motionless In White shirt.

"Uh, I bought it."


"Because I like them?" I looked towards Austin. He walked towards me, grabbing the shirt. His face went from happy, to confused, then pissed.

"Why the hell do you have this?"

"What's wrong with it?" She asked confused.

"We don't associate with Motionless In White." Austin spoke, putting the shirt into his back pocket.

"Why? Do you guys know eachother?"

"Aub, your grandma and Chris were together."

"Wait, does that mean-"

"Chris is my father."

"What!" She screamed. "Chris Motionless is my grandfather?"

"Not anymore. He lied about- something- so we don't speak to them anymore. Nor will we listen to their music in this house, you got it?" She nodded her head.

"Yes ma'am." She trouted up the stairs, while I turned back to Jayden.

"Same goes for you too mister."

"Got is mom, don't worry." He smiled and gave me a kiss on my head. "Come up when you're done, Nate." Nathan nodded his head, and continued to eat his chicken.

"So, wanna cook?" Austin asked lightly.

"You cook. I-I'm gonna go lye down for a bit." He nodded his head. I walked up the stairs, walking to my bedroom.

I went into my room and sat myself down on the bed. I called Ash up, waiting to tell her what just occurred.

"Hello?" She asked through the phone.

"She knows."

"Who knows what?"

"Aubree. She knows about Chris."


"What do you mean 'she knows'?" Ash asked as we sat on the back porch.

"I found a Motionless In White shirt, and I asked her where she got it. And it like came out, so know she knows that Chris was once my father." She nodded her head. "I basically just told her that you guys were together."

"Well this is great. She's probably going to talk to me about that later."

"Probably." I sighed.

"It's okay. She's not going to find out about Ricky, don't worry."

"I hope not. Do you know how much trouble that would cause for this family?" She nodded her head.

"But his last name is on their birth certificate. Won't they notice?"

"I mean they'll have to find out eventually, but they only go by Costello."

"Aren't they sad that you didn't change their last names?"

"Why would I change them?"

"Well you're not a Costello anymore, you're a Carlile."

"Oh. Yeah, well I told them that Austin and I got married after they were born, and I wanted to keep your last name for theirs."

"That's wank."

"That's wank?"

"Yeah. Oh, by the way, Kylie's coming.."

"Kylie's coming? What the hell- why?"

"Well she just showed up at our doorstep, and she was crying. Turns out, she's pregnant."

"By who?" I asked curiously.


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