"Is that correct?" he asked looking at me.

"Of course" I said standing over the ashes to cover them up, "She was talking and I was just listening, since morning, only listening."

Maahir was silent for a while, looking at me intently. I was so sure that he was using his stone and reading my mind right now.

He said finally averting his eyes, "Celina, Hayden is new so I can't complain. But you do know you can't lie to me right?"

Celina sighed dropping her shoulders and admitted, "Okay, you got me. I was showing Hayden how to use his stone. You know doctor is not here, and Anmol too, so I thought I could give him some basics. I swear I was not doing anything out of rules."

He gaped again, trying to read every nerve of hers.

"Fine," he said finally, "But I don't want to be reprimanded if doctor verdict it as something against rules."

"Interesting choice of words," she said quiet sarcastically, "Don't worry, I will take all the blame and please Maahir, promise me that you won't tell anybody, especially to Naomika."

"I promise, but you have to be cautious too," he said and gave me a final glance before he left.

"Thank goodness," she said shutting the door, "For once I thought we were busted but I know Maahir would understand."

"So no one can ever lie to that guy?" I asked.

"Not a chance. May be only doctor, but nobody can get by him."

I nodded and then asked, "So what do you want me to do next?"

"I think this will do for one day," she said, pushing her hair out of her eye. "You should practice flaming papers for today, try until you burn without even concentrating a lot on stone."

"Okay, fair enough," I said, "Thanks a lot, Celina."

"Oh this is nothing, just don't burn your room," she smiled at me.

After Celina walked back to her room or probably to check on Leena, I practiced it for hours. I tried even flaming it without commanding. I was glad that I was making some progress but I was frustrated that my appetite wasn't helping me. I usually never ate anything between the big meals but since I joined the academy, I was feeling hungry as a werewolf that could even eat a complete horse. During the lunch I couldn't careless if Tyrell and others were laughing at me, at the way I was attacking my plate full of food.

By the end of the day I was jaded. I sat on my bed thinking about the stone and praising about my progress. Also, I was quiet surprised thinking about the girl I was seeing. Even though I did not want her to appear so often, I wasn't able to keep her out of my mind. I had no choice but to see her, again and again. The thought of seeing the same girl was scaring me a little bit. She was definitely trying to tell me something but even on trying so hard, I wasn't able to hear her. Once or twice I tried to keep my mind away from her, but as soon as I used my stone, there she was!

The next two days I practiced a little bit more advanced. Celina taught me few more commands that had worked for me very well in the initial stages of my practice. She was keeping her patience right on check and I was surprised how she was doing that. I wondered if it was yoga that had actually created a lot of impact on her. But if that was the reason, why Tyrell had been otherwise.

On the third day of my practice, Celina stepped up and decided that I should get trained in the training room and that she would take care if anyone objects. On being asked by me she said, "Your powers are increasing and you don't want to barbecue your own room."

(Book 1) Hayden Mackay & The Forgotten Kingdomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें