chapter 19 - Nero

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Aren't updates just amazing? I think so... lol, so thanks for reading, please vote and comment! :) bye guys, enjoy the chapter. :D


Beep... Beep... Beep...

I opened my eyes slowly, and sighed. Then I turned my alarm off and rolled out of bed. It had been a quiet night before, and it was surely going to be a long day. I thought back on my dream, and frowned sadly... it had been about Rin.

"Hey Nero, can I come in?" Neru asked from the hallway.

'Why is Neru up? She's been sleeping in ever since she got suspended...'

"Yeah, I guess."

Neru opened the door and came inside, "Mom's already gone," she said.


"I'm going out."

"To where?"

"Work, they called last night and told me I could start early, they're paying me extra."

"How much extra?"

"Umm... I think they said 800 yen? It's not much more, but whatever."

"That's 100 more than usual, right?"

"Yep, anyways, I won't be home until right before Mom gets back, so you'll be alone when you get here."

"Okay... I've been by myself before, you know."

"I know, gosh! I was just telling you so you won't think I got kidnapped or something."

I laughed, and she glared at me, saying "What's so funny?"

"No one in their right mind would try to kidnap you, Neru. You'd kill them first, or even if you couldn't over power them, you'd annoy them so much they'd bring you back."

"Whatever, anyways. Are you planning on coming Friday?"

"Coming where?"

"To the choir tryouts?"

"I wasn't planning on it."

"Why not? Aren't you curious of who'll replace Lily and Haku?"

"Not really... I wasn't planning on being in your guy's choir this year."

"What? Why didn't you tell me sooner? We have to replace three people now? Ugh! You just had to create more work for me didn't you? And after I went through so much trouble to get you in!"

"First of all, I did tell you. Second, I didn't ask to be in the choir in the first place. You practically begged me to join because you didn't have enough after everyone found out it was run by Zatsune and Haku."

"Shut up, I'm leaving."


She turned away and exited the room. Once she entered the hallway, she faced me again and said, "I think I preferred your alarm last year to the one you have now. At least last year I could handle listening to it for more than a second. This year's is terribly boring."

I began to blush, last year my alarm had been Wotamin singing Karakuri Pierrot, and I usually let the entire song play through... or at least as far as Neru would let me, she usually yelled for me to turn it down before the song actually ended.

"It was Wotamin, right?" she asked, with a small smirk.

"Yeah, and yours has been Len for three years straight, now, hasn't it?" I shot back at her.

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