I tell myself over in my head that that is what it is- just an act to put on when it's needed.

The echoing gets louder and I realize there are two sets of footsteps pounding down the hall.

God damn.

I can't stop the wild beating of my heart against my rib cage.

A young man pushes the half-open door the rest of the way and steps into the room, closely followed by the second person.

I keep my eyes trained innocently on their combat boots for as long as possible but I lift my eyes long enough to see Commander Janson and Kipp standing in front of me.

"Alison," The commander says warmly, a grin spreading across his chiseled face. "Kipp informed me that you're up. Pleasure to finally meet you." He sticks out his hand smoothly for me to shake. I take it after a beat, trying not to think about how I'm not making my hand tremble on purpose.

I flick my eyes to Kipp for some sign of what's going on, but his eyes are on the floor, a strange look- guilt?- on his face.

My heart thumps even harder in my chest, so hard I feel as though it could jump out at any second.

When I look back at the commander his chocolate eyes are sincere.

Here it comes.

"Would you mind coming on a walk with me?" He asks with slight hesitation, as if he wished he had something better to say to me.

I find myself agreeing after a few beats.

At least I can look around this place a little more.

I push myself slowly off the mattress and stand, waiting, in front of them.

"You'll probably need those." The commander says seriously, motioning toward my shoes shoved against the wall.

I slide my feet back into them, trying to look as nervous as possible- which isn't much of a challenge.

He extends his right arm towards the door, telling me to go first. As I pass him, I feel him place his hand gently against the middle of my back. I try not to flinch away.

Kipp follows close behind us as we walk through the dark hallway.

I wait until I can see Commander Janson's face again before I speak a word. "Where are we going?" The words leave my mouth a little quieter than I would have liked.

We turn left into another hallway, longer this time, and lit with small sparingly placed lights.

The commander looks at me, his jaw clenched. I see in his eyes that is not going to be a leisurely stroll around the compound before he even says anything. "I'm delivering you to be examined by the Captain." He finally says simply.

"Examined?" The word sends a shiver through my body.

He nods, running a hand through his black curls. "To see whether you are suitable." He continues when I don't reply. "After what happened at the Meeting earlier today, he wants to double check you're the real deal."

I turn my head towards him at that. The real deal? What is that supposed to mean? He flicks only his eyes at me.

"Don't worry we've never been wrong about these things before." He pauses snapping his eyes back to the space in front of him.

"We have once." Kipp says quietly from behind us, making me jump.

"Yes, once, but we don't talk about that." Commander Janson says over his shoulder fiercely. "Just don't say anything stupid while you're in there and you'll be fine."

I shift my gaze to the floor in front of me as silence falls upon us.

We walk for a few more minutes. I find myself too nervous to take in any details.

The commander suddenly stops in front of a white door.

He turns to me and sighs. "I don't want to put any pressure on you," He starts, and I wonder- for the first time, I realize- why Kipp brought me into this camp. Why everyone seems to know who I am. Why I'm so important. "But there's a lot riding on this. On you." He stops, puts a strong hand on my shoulder and continues. "You are the key to humanity's survival."

My heart stops.

I shift my gaze to Kipp, who also stares at me with unwavering intensity.

They think I am the key to saving the human race? I almost laugh, but stop myself because they still look dead serious.

"The Captain is waiting inside." Commander Janson says, but I barely hear over the endless swirling of questions in my mind. "I'll see you on the other side."

That line forces the memory of my dream to jump back into my head. Not being able to bare seeing the boy's face as he jumped again, I shove the memory down as far as I can. I suppose that's something for later.

I flick my eyes between Kipp and the commander who stand, unmoved, in front of me. Their faces are stony and their jaws are set. I swallow, the action burning my dry throat. Their eyes hold belief and hope unlike anything I have ever seen.

That look in their eyes, and that look alone, is what forces me to turn around and open the door, to go through with this stupid examination. I cannot turn my back on hope so intense again. I lost mine long ago...I will do whatever it takes to make sure these men do not lose theirs.

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