"I am Evan, Mica's second in command here." he held out his hand and I smiled.

"Exavier, if you would like call me Hunter, it is my middle name." He laughed as he shook my hand firmly.

"Speak of the devil, where is Mica?" We started to walk out of the building and locking the door behind him.

"We just got back."


"Some crazy human decided that they wanted to take Lex, and one of the crazy wolves that I said we shouldn't let go was the one in charge of the whole thing." I looked at him with shock. He smiled and looked strait ahead.

"Don't worry, Lex is back and safe and sound. Though I have to say the young wolf that saved our Luna was shot."

"Oh dear lord, is he okay?" I asked only hoping that he didn't die.

"He'll be fine. His wolf is healing him fast. Though when he found out that he was a wolf, it kind of scared him half to death." I sighed a laugh.

"If I changed into a giant furry beast then I would be freaking out too." Evan laughed as we walked into the house. The place was dead. Not a soul in sight.

"Where is everyone?" I asked as I looked around.

"My guess asleep. I mean it is 12," he looked down at his watch, "12:17. I best be getting to bed too, seeing as we have a long week ahead of us."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked as he walked us towards the stares.

"We have to get rid of the bag of flees out there," He pointed to the back door as he spoke, "We have to accept the new wolf into the pack, figure out what we are going to do with you and then..." He trailed off as he lifted his head. I looked around to see what he was looking for. A deep growl left his lips as he looked back towards the door.

"Damn." He said as he rushed to the back of the house. I followed quickly behind. He led me to the old shed thing again and I watched trying to see what he saw. From the corner of my eye I saw something move. I quickly removed my knifes from their hiding spots as I looked for the blur.

"Well, well  well, what do we have here? A human?" I turned around and and saw a dark figure walk towards me. I cursed the dark night.

"Looks like I have a rogue wolf here." I said as I hid my knifes hoping he didn't notice them.

"Is Mica getting soft? I mean why would he ever let a human on his land, in his house, or better yet, how could he not notice a rogue on his land."

"Well, if you leave now I won't tell him he slipped up." the man started to circle and I could see the moon glinting off of his teeth.

"What, and not see him get angry at himself? What's the fun in that? And besides I came for someone. So if you would just get out of my way I can get him and go." He started heading to the shed that held Isaiah. I stepped in his path and a deep chuckle left his lips.

"You do know that I could rip you to shreds right?'

"Your a rogue, you have less control over yourself, I bet you could, but not until I had my fair chance to kill you myself." he rolled his head back and barked out a laugh.

"Funny story human. You couldn't even get a hit on me." I smiled.

"Lets have a go. You win you get to walk away with Isaiah, you loose and, well you die."

" I win three things in this you do know that?" I smiled standing waiting for the impact that would come. He smiled and charged aiming for my chest. I quickly side stepped and watched him fall to the ground. He looked up at me confused and quickly got up and charged again, trying to catch me off guard. I quickly whipped my hand around and sliced his chest as he passed. The closeness of the attack and the pressure behind the blade made the blade scrape his rip cage. He howled in pain and fell to the ground. He was facing away from me as he stood. His shirt was drenched in blood  staining it a crimson color and giving the air a rusty smell. He looked down at his hand and then I watched as his eyes changed to anger and fear all rolled into one. He yelled as he charged me one last time and I was ready. I didn't move as he ran into me. In my hands were the blades and they were right in front of me as he rammed into my chest. I stepped back and looked at his face. Shock. Pain. Despair. He dropped to his knees as his hand cupped the knives, too weak to grab them. I knelt down next to him and rested my hand on his shoulder.

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