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10:34 am
@NiallOfficial: hi babe x

10:36 am
@exorcismnjh: Woah

10:37 am
@NiallOfficial: what?

10:38 am
@exorcismnjh: I didn't actually think you would actually talk to me today .

10:38 am
@NiallOfficial: well you seem nice and fun to talk to (:

10:39 am
@exorcismnjh: well okay

10:40 am
@NiallOfficial: so what's your name babe?

10:41 am
@exorcismnjh: oh . It's kelsey

10:41 am
@NiallOfficial: I love that name (:
10:42 am
@exorcismnjh: thanks

10:42 am
@NiallOfficial: how old are you babe

10:43 am
@exorcismnjh: I'm 19

10:44 am
@NiallOfficial: so where do you live Kelsey?

10:45 am
@exorcismnjh: I live in Ireland

10:46 am
@NiallOfficial: no way!

10:46 am
@exorcismnjh: way!!

10:47 am
@NiallOfficial: what part

10:48 am
@exorcismnjh: Dublin!

10:49 am
@NiallOfficial: that's awesome. Man I wish I could be in Ireland now.

10:49 am
@exorcismnjh: your in the US right? Still touring

10:50 am
@NiallOfficial: correct! But we do have a concert in Dublin in like a month

10:51 am
@exorcismnjh: I hope I can get tickets

10:51 am
@NiallOfficial: I could get you some!

10:52 am
@exorcismnjh: no it's okay! I'm gonna get my paycheck soon so I might be able to get tickets

10:52 am
@NiallOfficial: well if you can't the offer still stands

10:53 am
@exorcismnjh: thank you niall! Well I better get to work

10:54 am
@NiallOfficial: okay what time do you get off work?

10:54 am
@exorcismnjh: um like around 5-6

10:55 am
@NiallOfficial: I'll try to message you then if I'm not too busy

10:56 am
@exorcismnjh: alright but it's fine if you're too busy. I understand

10:57 am
@NiallOfficial: alright get to work safe! 

10:57 am
@exorcismnjh: I will thank you bye!

10:58 am
@NiallOfficial: bye darlin !


ALRIGHTY! Hiiiiii I'm super excited for "Hey Everybody" to come out on friday!

If you don't know what that is it's 5SOS' new single and I'm freaking out!

Also if you would take the time to read my stories or follow Kelsey on Twitter @exorcismnjh !

Thanks guys new update coming soon.

Love ya


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