Seriously Wolves

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I woke up in a strange room, I had a damp towel on my head. I slowly sat up and looked around the room.

"It's about time you got up" Drake said and stood up from a chair in the corner of the room.

"What the hell happened, I had the screwiest dream" I said and pushed myself up more and felt my head for any bumps thinking I had somehow knocked myself out.

"Well, you were helping Gran heal Magna, then you blacked out, Gran said you somehow used to much magic, I don't know much about it." He said and handed me a glass of water off the night stand. "I'll go get Gran" he said and walked out of the room. A second later Gran came in and sat on the side of the bed.

"How do you feel?" She asked and felt my forehead.

"Fine, how's Magna? and was the wolf thing real or did I dream after I blacked out?" I asked and put the glass back on the night stand.

"Magna is doing fine, she will need a long bath and a lot of rest, and No you were not dreaming, that was what Sara wanted me to tell you about, it's a long story but I'll give you the quick version" Gran said. I had no words so I just nodded my head.

"Okay well this side of the gates is much much older, The people that live here can phase into wolves, like you saw last night, but as time went on they found their numbers depleting and so did the sage's. A Sage by the name of Constance came across this town while traveling with her parents, it was late and they set up camp in the forest here. Constance went for a walk in the forest and ran across wolf, as soon as she saw him her pendant began to shock her skin, she picked it up off her chest and inspected it and what she saw was not the fire pendant she always had but instead it showed her the image of the wolf." Gran said and touched the pendant I was wearing. "So she began speaking to the wolf, and slowly the wolf phased into a man, Constance knew of men who could phase but had never met one, she was intrigued by him, they sat and talked until it became dark, the man, Darius had walked her back to her families camp. When they arrived the mother had run up to her daughter, knowing something was different and grabbed the pendant, it was no longer a fire opal, but a pure white opal. After seeing the pendant the mother sat her daughter and Darius down by the fire and explained what it meant when the pendant changes." Gran stopped talking

"and then what?" I said now really into the story she had been telling me

"I just don't know if I should tell you the rest or not, but you will eventually need to know" Gran said and patted my legs that were still covered with a light blanket. "her mother told them that when a sage meets their true mate, husband in human terms, they will see their image but only they can see the image to everyone else the pendant will change color. After hearing this Constance knew that she had found her mate, but she was unsure how this was all possible usually sages were mates to other sages not men who could phase into wolves she began to panic, scared that the fates had messed up and that she would ever be happy, but when Darius noticed her apprehension he embraced her and assured her that he would be the best mate, and told her the signs that the wolves had when they met their mate" Gran stopped again and stood from the bed and looked out of the window. "I think that's enough for now" she said and began walking out of the room.

"Gran wait, please just tell me the rest" I begged, she turned towards me and nodded her head

"I will tell you more, but I think Orrin should tell you the wolves side of things, I'm just going to have Drake go get him" she said and left the room. I began thinking of Constance and of all of her worries, I had a lot of the same worries, being the strange kid in every school and not having any friends I always wondered if I would meet someone that would love me like Greg loved Sara, Hell I had never even had a boyfriend so the odds of me finding a "Mate" were slim to none in my book. I must have dozed off because I woke to someone nudging my arm, it was Drake.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2015 ⏰

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