The Funeral

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Gram and I spent a couple days just practicing me going invincible, it was going ok but I still couldn't do it all the time. Today was a somber day I dressed in a black lace dress that ended at my knees, black flats and my long black hair curled and pinned back, today was Sara and Greg's funeral, Not a day I wanted to come because it finalizes their lives, it makes it more real that I will never see them again.

Gran and I walked into the older part of the town and met up with Sela and walked to the cemetery that was in the middle of town. There were about 30 people all standing around in a circle. Gran had told me that as the Priestess she would bless the ground before they started the ceremony and that I should stand with her. As we walked towards the group they parted making a path for us to walk through, Sela stopped at the end of the path and Gran took my hand as we walked towards the plots where Sara and Greg would be buried. We stood in front of the plots Gran bent down and filled both of her hands full of dirt and began to chant

                             I bless this soil, I bless it to aid in the passing of these two precious souls and that they make their way back to this plain to begin a new mission of life. As I bless this soil I also add a spell of protection to ensure they are never tainted with the evils of this world.

After she blessed the soil she tossed a handful into each plot, Sela came forward and tossed in a bundle of sage into each plot, once they were done we went back into the line of people and waited as the caskets were lowered into the ground, once they were lowered and the plots were filled one by one every one that attended came forward and placed a daisy on each plot, I learned the night before from Sela that Sara's favorite flower was the daisy so it only seemed right that she had them in life and death. Once everyone left a man came into the cemetery with a small bundle of wood and placed it in the middle of the two plots and started a small fire.

Gran turned to me "In their... um culture they set a fire to aid in the releasing of the souls." Gran said and turned and began talking with Sela. I watched the flames dancing in the air when I felt someone step up next to me.

"Sorry about how all this ended up" the man who stood next to me said. I looked up at him, which I had to practically strain my neck to see his face. "Sorry, I'm Orrin, Alise's uncle" he said and gave me a small pat on the back. "Sara and Greg were wonderful people, even as mischievous as teens could be they were still extremely kind." He said and walked up to Gran and Sela.

Once they finished their conversation I walked up and said my goodbyes to Sara and Greg and thanked them for taking care of me all these years, We began walking home when Sela ran up to us and handed me an envelope, saying she forgot she had it. I looked down at the envelope that had my name on it, me and Gran sat on a bench so I could read what was in the envelope.

Dear Lily,

        Sorry you keep getting these letter's in the worst of times, One day you will get an exciting letter I promise. I know there is a lot of new things you are learning but I'm sure your Gran is holding off on one huge secret let her know how understanding you are and to just tell you. She would be mad at me for telling you that but you need to know. Remember you were loved by us all and the younger kids adored you and don't worry they are going to be fine. We will be back one day, not as someone or something you know but we will come back and start a new mission. We love you

                                                                        Sara and Greg

I read the letter several times before I placed it back in the envelope and turned to Gran.

"So what is the other important thing you are suppose to tell me?" I said to Gran, Then we heard a loud scream and saw several people running towards the cemetery. Gran and I stood up and began running to the cemetery once we got there I could now understand the screams, there was a woman probably in her 20's laying on the ground with blood all over her, I heard a loud growl and saw five or so people surrounding a very large wolf, the man I  met earlier, Orrin, had a small gun and shot the wolf, it slowly fell to the ground still growling which made me believe that it was tranquilized and not just shot. Orrin picked up the wolf and carried it out of the cemetery  and down to a truck that was parked just outside the cemetery, once he had it loaded he got in the passenger side and they drove away.  I looked back at where the woman way laying but someone else had picked her up and was walking towards us.

"Lily I need you to head home, I'm going to help heal that poor girl, I should be home shortly" Gran said and began walking towards the group carrying the woman, I watched as they carried her away with Gran and they entered a small cottage. I walked home wondering how odd all of this was, I understood there was a large forest and of course there are going to be wild animals, but why attack a that woman when there were so many of us around, and why was Gran ok with me walking home alone when there could be more wolves hiding in the woods. At that last thought I began freaking myself out and began running home like I was being hunted. I ran in the house and locked the door and ran up to my room.

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