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I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until I heard a loud boom and the sound of footsteps running up the stairs. I jumped off my bed and ran to the stairs leading to the second story of the house, right when I was about to head down the stairs the door flung open and Drake was standing there.

"Lily I have been knocking forever, you need to come with me NOW!" He said and ran up the stairs and grabbed my arm and started dragging me down the stairs, I pulled my arm from his grasp.

"What's wrong? where's Gran?" I said, worried that she too has been attacked, maybe she was on her way home and another wolf got her, or the damn person that was letting killers into the town had gotten to her.

"She's still at Tilley's, but she need's your help, the healing isn't working" he said and grabbed for me again, I ran past him and ran out of the house I began running to the gate when he yelled at me that he had brought a car so we could get there faster. We both jumped in the truck and he sped off through the gates.

We pulled up to what I guessed was Tilley's since I had never heard of him or her, as soon as he stopped I jumped out and ran inside the house. There was a man holding a crying woman, and an older woman sitting on the couch, my guess is it was the woman's family. Drake had made his way in and told me to follow him. I followed Drake up a set of stairs and to a small bedroom, Gran was sitting on the side of the bed with her hands lightly pressed on the woman's chest.

"Oh good your here, Lily come sit on the other side and press your hands lightly on her forehead" Gran said, I couldn't stop staring at the blood that covered the woman, there was no way she was going to make it, not with that much blood loss. "Lily!! I know your scared but she needs our help" Gran said "Drake please sit beside Lily just in case Magna phases" Gran said and looked right at Drake.

I sat on the side of the bed and looked down at my hands, not sure if this was all going to work I pressed one hand on her forehead and the other on the top of her head. I wanted to save this poor woman, she looked so young she had so much more life in her. After a couple minutes she began squirming, almost as if what me and Gran were doing was causing more pain, as I looked at her face I noticed something was changing about her, no longer did she have a petite little nose but it began morphing in to a snout of sorts.

"Um Gran, I think we have a problem and I'm not sure if we should continue" I said. Gran looked at the girl, Magna, and also saw the changes in her face.

"Drake please make sure to be ready, the phase may make her heal faster. Lily dear please don't freak out but right now place a picture in your mind of a lovely wolf, a wolf with light brown and white fur, and her snout has a black stripe down it" Gran said. I thought maybe she was trying to put my mind at ease, so I pictured a lovely wolf with brown and white fur and a black strip down it's snout. I soon found out why Gran had warned Drake because now what stood on the bed was not a woman covered in blood, but a wolf, a brown and white wolf with a black stripe on it's snout. I quickly stood up and took a step back, which was probably the worst thing I should have done because now I had a wolf crouched in front of me snarling.

"Drake, please tell her we mean no harm, let her know that Lily is here to heal her" Gran said, I looked around the room, but did not see Drake anywhere but a moment later what I did see was a large black and grey wolf walk into the room and straight to Magna. Great now there's two wolves in the room, one wants to eat me and the other keeps nudging the other one.

"Gram you have so much explaining to do" I said, thinking this is the perfect time for my invincibility to not work. As I watch the two wolves the brown one stopped growling and jumped back on the bed and laid down.

"Ok, Drake calmed her down we should be able to help her better now." Gran said. I looked at the black and grey wolf and shook my head thinking all this crazy wolf business would somehow fall out.

"You want me to put my hand on the wolf that was just growling at me and wanted me for dinner?" I said and shook my head.

"Magna won't hurt you, she just didn't recognize your scent, she's ok now" Gran said and laid her hands on the wolfs chest. I slowly walked to the bed and began to move my hand to the wolf's head when it lifted its head and gave my hand a quick lick, almost saying sorry. I put both of my hands on her head and tried to think of the wounds she had. As I thought about them it was like a movie in my mind, it was showing me all of the damage, I pinpointed the worst places and just imagined all of the wounds knitting back together and healing. I began feeling extremely weak then I blacked out.

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