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I woke up the next morning a little disoriented and confused. A new bed, room and apparently powers. Why did my life decide to drop a huge bomb like this on me, too many changes in two freaking days!! So far I have met one "normal" person and of course he just happens to be related to the maniac driver that brought me to this abnormal place. I know this is where I belong though, the first time I actually have a blood family member. Why did all of this have to happen, why did my foster parents have to die apparently trying to protect me. Why did my real mom have to die and my father disappear with out a trace. I decided to get over myself and crawl out of bed and take a hot shower.

Once I was done in the shower and dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt I headed down stairs, I peeked in Gran's room but she wasn't in there so I went to the kitchen. I saw her kneeling in the garden picking herbs so I walked out side and up to her.

"Hey Gran, I just wanted to apologize for yesterday, I know I need to accept all of these changes but it's going to take some time" I said and walked in to the herb garden.

Gran stood up from off the dirt ground "I know there has been so many changes and there are so many people here to help you, all you have to do is ask, also Sara and Greg will be brought back here and their funeral will be later this week." Gran said and patted my shoulder

"So they were from here, were they like us?" I asked and grabbed the basket that was full of herbs gran had just picked

"Yes they lived here, in the older section and no they were not like us, but that's something we will talk about later, there is someone you need to meet and we will head over to her house in about an hour, how about some breakfast?" Gran said and began walking into the house.

Apparently chat time was over as we made our way into the kitchen, I grabbed 4 pieces of bread and put them in the toaster while Gran began to make scrambled eggs, we worked together like we have been doing this for years. As soon as the eggs and toast were done we sat at the table and ate in silence.

Gran went and showered and changed into a floral dress and we were on our way to go meet some woman she said I had to meet, I was nervous, was she another Sage or a normal human being (Which would have been nice).

We stepped out side and instead of going to the car she began walking to the gated area. We got to the gate and she opened a small gate door and passed through, I slowly followed behind. The road was still the same cobblestone but you could definitely tell it was older, it had cracks and dirt covering over half of the stones. This area was more a forest, tall trees surrounded the road then after walking for about ten minutes (in silence) we made it to a town, nothing like the town Gran lived in the houses were like old time cottages with thatch roofs and old stone sides, nothing like normal houses with brick or siding, these were the type of houses you would expect when the were horses and carts not cars and huge suv's. I was in awe, we passed by several houses Gran waved to everyone we passed but no one stopped to chat, Gran was on a mission.

We stopped in front of a cute little cottage with a small garden in the front yard when a older woman stepped out of the house.

"Hello Sela, I have brought someone to meet you" Gran said and walked up to the house. Sela ran up to me and grabbed my hands.

"Oh dear girl I am so sorry, it's going to be such a hard time, but we will make it through" Sela said and dropped my hands and pulled me into a hug. I stared at Gran not knowing who this woman was or why she was hugging me so tightly. "Come in, come in lets sit and chat" she said and pulled us into her house.

We sat in a small living room on couches that had seen better days, on her walls were pictures of a little girl, I couldn't stop looking at the pictures, I stood up and walked to the pictures and followed them along the wall, then the last picture I began to cry, it was a picture of Sara and Greg, standing together Sara with a crown of daisies on her head.

I turned to Sela "Your Sara's mother aren't you?" I said and walked back to the couch and sat down, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Yes dear I am, as soon as I heard you were coming here I knew something had gone wrong, but we all knew something could happen, and don't you dare feel bad, they loved you they wrote about you in every letter they sent home" Sela said with tears streaming down her face. I walked to her and kneeled on the floor in front of her and held her hands.

"I had no idea, they never talked about family, I never even thought to ask" I said

"Non of us could say anything, not many people even here know of you, as much as we like to say we are all tight knit, there could always be that one person who seeks ill will, after all it was someone here that let that other clan into this town, sadly we have never found out who." Sela said and patted my hands, I stood and sat back on the couch.

"What do you mean by let them in?" I asked

"There are wards up around the town, they only let in those who seek good intentions only, but whoever killed your mother was let in by someone. We had interviewed everyone in town and even those who live abroad but still visit, still nothing" Gran said

"So your telling me that whoever helped my moms killer could still be here?" I asked and began to shake, if that person is still here does it mean that I could still be in danger even though they said I would be safe here.

"Don't fret, we will find them and you have all the protection you need, we will be announcing to the town that you are back and I will be doing a protection spell around you, even though your powers are not fully working we do know that they work, when Drake came in the yard yesterday you were scared and had unintentionally turned yourself invisible, and also on the way here." Gran said

"I did what!!" I yelled and stood up "How did I turn my self invisible? and I did it on the way here?"

"It's just one of the several things you can do, in time you will learn to do it, not just have it happen when you are scared." Gran said. I just shook my head wondering what else have I been doing without knowing it.

We stayed for lunch then made our way back home. Sela had told me many stories about Sara when she was little I asked about Greg's family and they told me they had lived in Iowa but his parents had passed years ago and he was their only son. I decided when we got home I was going to practice with Gran and see if I could Intentionally go invisible on my own instead of just by being scared.

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