The beginning of the rest of my Life

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I am Lily, a strange 16 year old, I say strange because I have a certain feature that most people don't , at least not that I have ever seen, My eyes are a brilliant violet color which doesn't help be not stand out. I can't keep a friend for nothing. I have tried to be in the "in" groups at school and nada, I think I'm in then they push me away, but it has been like that all of my life actually since I was a baby and was found in a cradle at the hospital.

October 31

It was a perfect fall day, the perfect type of weather in Southern Utah for little kids all dressed up and ready to get a sugar overload. But for me it was just another day, actually it is my birthday, not a huge day in the Gearing household seeing as they are my foster family and have 5 other kids, all under the age of 10, to look after. I just pass the day as if it wasn't suppose to be my special day and help the little kids get their costumes on so that I can take them to the community center for their Halloween party. I haven't been in years so I just get the little ones ready and drop them off while my foster parents go to their "adults only" party.

"Lily, are the kids ready to go" My foster mom Sara asked running into the living room wearing what I think is suppose to be a flapper costume.

"Yep, they are all set I just have to load them up" I said and began picking up treat bags and herding the kids to the front door

"Oh thank you so much, are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Sara asked

"oh yeah I'm sure, seeing drunk adults in weird costumes is definitely not my thing" I said and laughed "But if you need a ride home just call"

Sara laughed and gathered her purse and yelled for Greg, my foster dad, telling him it was time to go.

Greg helped me get all of the kids loaded in their van and he and Sara got in their little sedan and left for their party.

I dropped the kids off at the community center and told them all to have fun, the center was doing a huge Halloween sleep over with a lot of the neighborhood kids and parents that were not into the adult party, like myself. I headed home and ordered a pizza and decided it was def a movie night.

Once the pizza arrived I had Friday the 13th all ready to go. I sat on the couch ate my pizza and soon after I fell right to sleep.

I woke up to someone pounding on the front door, I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 12:15. I walked to the door and peeked through the little window on the door. Once I saw who it was I flung the door open.

"Hello" I asked the two officers at the door

"Are you Lily Lycoan" One of the officers asked and took his cap off.

"Yes I am, is everything ok?" I said and began to shake, after watching many shows I know when they take their caps off there is usually something really wrong.

"We need to take you to the hospital, there has been a terrible accident, Greg is in critical condition but has asked for you. Bu..but Sara didn't make it" the officer studdered out

I stared at the officers. Even though they were just my foster parents I had actually felt more like a daughter to them, they were the only family I knew since I was a baby they had cared for me and treated me as their own. Finally I shook my self and nodded my head and followed the officers to their car.

On the way to the hospital I had hoped that Greg would pull through, not just for me but for the 5 other kids also, I would miss Sara terribly I would miss our friendly banters and our monthly girls dates we would have. Nothing would ever be the same even if Greg makes it. We pulled in to the emergency entrance at the hospital and I darted out of the car and into the hospital, I ran straight to the receptionist and asked for Greg Gearing.

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