chapter 1 the moving

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Aphmau's POV

It was getting chilly in the village i cant believe im going to move tomorrow. *le sigh* i-im gonna miss Polly, and Marsh, and Hersh, and Modzilla, and Tommy, even the mayor!Ugh did we have to move!?! "

"good morning sleeping beauty" my dad joked "hahahahaha" i laughed sarcastically "hey im gonna go say bye to my friends" i said ran upstairs slipped on shorts a purple tank top some sneakers gloves with little flowers on them and ran out of the house. first i got to Hersh's house "hey hersh!" i barged in and he jumped " oh hello aphmau how are you?" i stared at him like i was saying uh hello im moving in half an hour "oh right..." he said a bit embarrassed "well i will text you" i said trying to ignore how empty headed he could be at times " uh yes bye" i hugged him and i ran over to pollys house "hi polly" i barged in again " hey aph " she said not looking away from a test tube " what no hug for the girl who is about to move?" i asked "oh right!" she ran over to me and hugged me "thanks i will text you" i ran over to marsh's house and said bye there then i got to modzilla's house which is now occupied by tommy. " hi tommy!" "hi aph! so ... you leave today" he said sadly "yeah... but hey you can always call or text!" this semed to cheer him up a bit " oh right!" he said happily "hey just be sure to tell modzilla hi for me" i said " ok!" he said happily again "bye" i hugged him and waved goodbye. well i guess its time to go

i got in the car and said not a word indicating i wasn't happy my mom noticed " hey honey its ok ooh why dont we sing a road song!?" oh no... i thought "1000,000 bottles of pop on the wall... (i will spare you guys reeding and my fingers typing)

i luv pugs...

just putting that out there -puggymonster

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