The carnival

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(Btw its october in dis book just letten yall know ×3×)

Garroths pov

i was drawing in my drawing journal . I was drawing aphmau. It was a manga picture but she still looked beautiful . I wrote amnote on top of the picture it said 'aphmau the angle' then i tucked it into my bag and looked at the teacher "okay class we have 2 new students today, please give a warm welcome to Polly and Laila" two girls walked in one with laurence she had blonde hair like mine but with pink tips the next girl had rainbow hair and walked in with aphmau. Laurence and aphmau took their seats " okay, polly why dont you introduce yourself first?" The teacher asked " uh okay hello im polly and i take an interest in science" she said . Usually someone would have yelled 'nerd!' And thrown paper at her or something but no one did. They just stared... "good now its your turn Liala" the teacher said "oh um o-okay h-hi im liala and i also like science and rainbows and kitties and candy ooh and pu-" she was inturupted by polly "liala if you list everythiny you like we will be sitting here until sophomore year" she said "oh yeah um sorry" laila said blushing "its fine" the teacher said "now please sit down" "yes ma'am" the girls said in unison and they sat down "okay class today we will be learning about wah wa wah wa wah..." the teacher said as i started toctune her out. I couldnt help it i was staring at aphmau wow... she's pretty... before if knew it class was over. Since it was friday and the fall carnival was tonight i asked if she wanted to come "u-uh a-aphmau wanna come with me to the fall carnival tonight?" I asked "sure!" She relpied "G-GREAT HAHAHAHA UM I-I'LL PICK YOU UP AT 5!" i said loudly "ummm okay...?" She said staring at me as if i were crazy "BYE APHMAU ILOVEYOUREMEBERTHAT!" I said "uh can you repeat that last sentence again?" Aph asked "UH I SAID I ... NEED TO GO FEED MY CAT!!!" i answerd ugh im such an idiot!!! "Umm okay...? Bye" aphmau said but this time i stayed quiet

Time skip to 5

Aphmaus pov

I had on my favorite outfit a black graphic tee with a picture of a knight with blonde hair and a diamond sword (Heh kinda looks like garroth...) and denim short shorts and white converse hightops. I braided my hair and put on eye liner and some lip gloss i grabbed iphone the case was a pug in space and texted garroth

G- garroth

A- aphmau

A:im ready to go

G: okay im coming

A: ok

I ran down stairs and heard amknock on the door i opend it and saw garroth in a whitenshirt with an unbuttoned blue button up shirt over it blue jeans and royal blue shoes "ready?" He asked "ok lets go!" I answerd and we walked down town where it was held everything was so scary there was animatronic zombies actually walking around and rubber people that looked so real hanging from chains onto trees (lol im just naming stuff from spirit of Halloween store) garroth and i walked around, and saw a bunch of things we wanted to do and of corse we picked to go to DinoLand first . Hey! Just because im 14 dosnt mean i havent grown out of things for 4 year olds! Anyway we had tons of fun then we went to some more rides "so what should we do now?" I ask "hmmmm ooh how about the haunted house!" Garroth suggested "h-haunted house? S-sure but if i get scared its on you." (Lol this will make sense soon) i say "oh um ok cool lets go!" Garroth said and grabbed my hand and dragged me to the haunted house. The line took forever but we finally made it to the front the sun had just set and it was dark so that added to the scaryness. We walked in and it wass creepy there was a big spider and lots of jump scares. I squeezed garroths and a couple of times and he blushed. Finally we made it to the last room there was a curtain that said open for your worst nightmare so garroth opened it. It was a model of a girl who looked like me and a boy who looked like laurence (sorry i couldnt put zane but aph dosnt really know him) kissing. "OH! ummmm okay... garroth if you dont mind i wanna get out of here" i said slowley backing up until i backed up into garroth and i fell on topcof him he was hold be up by holding onto my sides "aphmau! Im so sorry c-can you get up?" Garroth asked "i uh think let me try" i said but he pulled me closer instead our faces were half an inch apart and i was blushing so hard i looked like a beet then he closed his eyes and kissed me. We stopped then started again we kissed for like 1 minuet then we jumped up i realised that we were both as red as apples then we walked out quietly and didnt speak of it again that night. After that we ran back to dino land for fire works i was super exited . We were in the middle of a huge croud . I grabbed his hand and stared at the sky the fire works were beutiful but halfway through them garroth grabbed my other hand and kissed me then he hugged me and i blacked out.

Garroths pov

I kissed aph and she passed out ! That was NOT the reaction i was hoping ffor but atleast it was better than a slap i grabbed her bridal style and carried her home and laid her in her bed then i went down stairs and introduced myself to her parents i lied and told them she fell asleep since it was like midnnight. They said okay and i went home.

Minecraft Diaries School Edition:The talent show (book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ