Tuesday February 25th

100 6 17

Gerard's POV
6:17 am

Dear the boy on the beach, that sounds fucked up but this is pen and I don't want to scratch it out or get a new paper so I'll just roll with it,

I don't know why but I find myself writing to you in this moment.
Writing to you about things that you'll never understand.
But that's probably for the best.
I don't know how this all came about. How I found myself on the beach, and then found you there.
Lying there.
I could have left you there. To die. To be found by some other stranger who happened to be walking along the beach at around 4:00 in the morning.
But I didn't. And I'm not quite sure why.
But I figure that you're the only one I can write this to. Mikey wouldn't understand. He hardly understood the conept of finding a dude on the beach at almost 4:00 am.

Life is a hard thing. A complex thing. Filled with different emotions. With fears. With pain and sorrow and everything in between, and everything beyond that.
I'm not sure that I will ever forget the day I found you lying on the beach. I don't know if I'll ever want to. I don't think I'll ever be able to either. But seeing you there, lying on the beach with your reverse skunk hair strewn about, something changed in me. And I'm not quite sure if I like that or not.

I know that I'll probably never even really know you, you just spike curiosity in me. It seems odd to admit that a dude I found unconscious on the beach changed me in someways. But that is the complete and utter truth.
But now I know who you are and I feel like that is what was meant to happen. I don't believe in any of that bullshit faith and destiny crap, but I know that things happen for a reason. Why life let me find out who you are I have no idea, but I intend to find out.

Now I just wonder how you could do that. To Mikey, you're the only friend he has, and you mean the world to him. He fucking loves you so now I'm not quite sure if I should tell him that the dude I found on the beach is really you. But he's my brother and I care about him, a lot, and I know that telling him that his best friend tried to kill himself will completely destroy him and I'm not quite sure how I would deal with that because I'm not very good with emotions.
I don't know if I should talk to you about it though. So I'll just keep it to myself for now, until I decide what is right.

Frank's POV
8:21 am

I couldn't sleep.
Not one bit.
Mikey's still asleep. Has been since 8:00 last night. It's been more than twelve hours, but I made sure that he's not dead, so we're all good.

As I walk through the hallway of the Way brothers' household again, I find a piece of white paper lying on the floor, crumpled in a ball. I tried not to think too much about it and continue my way down the hall, but my curiosity gets the best of me and I go back and pick it up.

I open it and right at the top it says: Dear the boy on the beach.

I didn't want to intrude on the personal life of whoever wrote this, but it was in the hallway crumpled in a ball, open for anyone to read, so I decided that I had justified reading it enough and started reading the very long letter written in bright red ink. The colour made me think of the red that I had seen that night, or should I say morning? But it also reminds me of Mikey's older brother's hair.

Putting the colour aside, I read through the letter a couple times, not understanding how this letter is actually addressed to me. And how it says that the writer is Mikey's brother. And how Gerard Way is the one who found me on the beach. And how Mikey knows that his red-headed brother found some dude on the beach. But I am thankful that Mikey doesn't know one thing, that that 'some dude' just happens to be me.

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