"W-what are you d-doing A-ally?" He said as his eyes became half lidded. "Apologising for Mason" i whispered against his neck as i nuzzled him under his jaw. "He shouldn't have done that and i can't believe that we used to date, he was my best friend since, well... us and i never thought he'd actually do anything like this." I said as i struggled to contain the tears that threatened to fall.

He picked my chin up and i looked up into his beautiful green eyes. "Don't worry about it Ally it wasn't your fault. And besides, what are friends for?" He smiled slightly as he pecked my forehead lightly. I smiled at the sweet gesture and let my head fall back on his shoulder. We stood there for a few moments more until he pulled away slightly. "Go fresh up, the bathroom is on the end of the hall." He walked over to his closet and gave me a pair of shorts and a shirt that was too small for him. "Here you can borrow these." He said as he smiled at me. I nodded grateful "thanks Hayth" and i looked at him one last time before i walked out of his room and into the bathroom.


Haytham's pov

As i heard the click of the bathroom door being locked, i walked over to my guitar that was hanging on the wall on the far side of my room. It was a black acoustic guitar with a red dragon skull on the body, red stripes ran along the side of it. It had a cutaway with a dark green pick guard under the sound hole.

I don't know where i am with Ally, but the fact that i didn't know what we were, made me think of a song...

I picked it up and walked over to my bed,
sat down on the foot of the bed, the morning sun rays peeking trough the half closed curtains.

As i strummed, i thought of the crazy week and the beautiful smile that was so... Ally.

Toothless came in jumped up the bed stretching behind me and laying with his full length against my back, i smiled as i felt his warm belly pressing against me.

{ Friends ~ Ed sheeran }

We're not, no we're not friends, nor have we ever been.

We just try to keep those secrets in a lie,
And if they find out, will it all go wrong?
And Heaven knows, no one wants it to.

So I could take the back road
But your eyes will lead me straight back home.
And if you know me like I know you
You should love me, you should know.

Friends just sleep in another bed,
And friends don't treat me like you do.
Well I know that there's a limit to everything,
But my friends won't love me like you.
No, my friends won't love me like you.

We're not friends, we could be anything.
If we try to keep those secrets safe.
No one will find out if it all went wrong.
They'll never know what we've been through.

So I could take the back road,
But your eyes'll lead me straight back home.
And if you know me like I know you,
You should love me, you should know.

Friends just sleep in another bed,
And friends don't treat me like you do.
Well I know that there's a limit to everything,
But my friends won't love me like you.
No, my friends won't love me like you.

But then again, if we're not friends,
Someone else might love you too.
And then again, if we're not friends,
There'd be nothing I could do, and that's why

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