Chapter 1

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"Come in!"a shout rang from the head office at the end of the long corridor. I walked in and found Dr.Dilys, holding a file."What do I have to do now?"I asked.
  She sighed,"Cassidy, you know you never fail on a mission,and you always finish something that you started.You--"

  "Just say it!!"I cut her off mid sentence and said excitedly.

  "Ok ok, you are assigned on a mission at a high school to catch a serial killer while protecting the next victims and rescuing the captured victims. Sounds good?"she asked.

  "Hell yeah! This is like the biggest mission I've had in three whole months. God! I'm up for it!!But what about Brooklyn....."I trailed off.

  "Brooklyn will go to, but she won't be attending school,since she will be your backup.There are gadgets inside this suitcase and you can use them to your own benefits. Remember, you are going to an all boys school, so you have to wear a wig and lower your voice and wear boy clothes and everything,which won't be hard considering that you were an actress before,"she said.

  I groaned,"What! Why do I have to do all of this things? Why do I have to go to a boys school dammit!Why not Brooklyn ugh!"

  "Cassidy,I trust you to finish this mission and you will finish it no matter what,"Dr.Dilys Said sternly,"Now please leave my office.Thank you and good luck.You will leave tomorrow at 11:00 am so pack your bags tonight.You'll see Brooklyn and your bodyguards at Starbucks at the airport.You'll call me every night to report on your progress.Good luck and bye for now."I sighed and left,trudging all the way home to pack my bags.
The next day......
I met Brooklyn at Starbucks,and now we are boarding the flight.Seems like our bodyguards are going to dress as janitors at the school.Huh I still don't know what school I'm going to. So once I settled down,I took out the personal folder and read the information.Blake Jordan,freshman at Billford High School,is a popular boy,who excels in the subjects English and History.He is rumoured to be the cousin of the son of the famous actor Ronald Jordan.He is currently single and his best friends are Michael Lorien and Niall Clifford.I frowned.I'm gonna be popular??Huh I wonder how that feels.Maybe this won't be so bad after all.
Thanks for reading this book!!I hope you enjoy it!Please comment and vote in order for more chapters to be published!I'll try to update more often.Thanks again guys!

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