Chapter 35 When there's nothing left to say

Start from the beginning


No, she shouldn't use that. It would only cause more trouble.

Besides, she knew it was exactly what Orochimaru wanted.

But if she would run out of chakra, the curse mark would take over anyway. They would have to finish this before that happened. Only... she wasn't so convinced they would succeed.

"Kaiten!" Taryn spun around too fast for the eye to see to ward off her attackers. When she came to a halt, she performed a series of taijutsu, all the while keeping an eye on Itachi.

He was in trouble. Somehow his genjutsu was being blocked by his opponents.

Kisame faced lightning users.

Somehow they knew exactly what attacks to use on who. They had done their homework.

When she saw Itachi stumble, she lost it. The cursemark started throbbing and strange markings were spreading fast across her face and her body. From a distance she heard Itachi call a warning, but it was too late. Now that it had started she found no way of undoing it.

Her eyes turned into slits and she glared at her opponents. They shivered from the dark chakra that emitted from her and in their eyes shone fear.

Taryn chuckled darkly, no longer in control of her emotions. She was already beyond the first stage of the curse mark. She took down three of her attackers. They were dead before they knew what hit them. Taryn groaned and fell to her knees as wings started to break through the skin on her back. "Shimatta!" she cursed. She had to stop this. But she had power now.

She flapped her wings and lifted herself in the air. She flew over to where Itachi and Kisame were fighting and released a fireball jutsu on their attackers. She was surprised at how much more powerful it was.

"Taryn!" Itachi yelled, but she paid him no attention. Or couldn't. Enormous power was surging through her. She screamed when a lighting blade pierced one of her wings and she fell to the ground.

She stood up and sent a large wind attack towards the shinobi with her other wing. He was thrown back against a wall and slid to the ground where he stayed motionless.

Anger went through her and she made ready for an other attack.

"Taryn stop!" she heard Itachi yell.

She killed two other shinobi with her next attack.

Everything was blurry after that. She wasn't sure how many she killed.

"Such power," she heard Kisame say.

Suddenly her wings disappeared again and the markings on her body started to retract. Taryn stumbled and grabbed her head. She was feeling dizzy and disoriented. She looked around the battleground. Bodies lay everywhere.

Had she done this?

She stumbled again, unable to focus any longer. Before she could collapse to the ground, she was caught by two strong arms. She was leaning against a firm chest. 'Itachi,' her brain told her. She felt herself being lifted and he carried her.

"I told you not to overuse that  curse mark," he said.

"Wow," Kisame said from somewhere behind, "remind me to never piss her off again."

Taryn's eyes closed slowly. She was too tired to keep them open any longer. Her head fell against Itachi's shoulder. "I love you," she muttered before blacking out.

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