stressed the f*** out!

Start from the beginning

I finish feeding ethan and lay him down to the crib and I pick up wyatt and start to feed him. "Hey" I turn around and see liam and smile "hi" I say looking back down to wyatt.

"So hows....erm feeding" liam says and I laugh a little "its okay I guess, I just hope they both go to sleep after this" I say and sigh. "You and zayn have been working so hard taking care of the twins, im really proud of you" liam says and I smile up at him.

"Thank you liam that means a lot to me" I say and see Wyatt is done eating and I put him back in his crib and he falls alseep and I sigh turning to liam. We walk down stairs and I see zayn sleeping and I smile.

I walk over to him and shake him and he looks around till his eyes meet mine."come on lets go lay down" I say grabbing his hand and we walk up stairs to the room.

I close the door behind us and we lay down on the bed "this is so much work" zayn says. I grabe his hand and he looks at me and I smile " we can do this though" I say and he smiles and pecks my lips "yes we can" he says back to me.

(Harry's p.o.v)

I put my shirt on and look at nathan who lies only in his boxers in the bed. I walk over to him and peck his lips and smile at him "that was really good" I say and he smiles.

"I wish we couldve gone all the way, but you're right even that was amazing" nathan says and pulls me down into another kiss ans I cup his face kissing back.

He pulls away and sighs "do I have to go to work?" He asks and I laugh a little. "Yes you do" I say and he pouts and I roll my eyes and he stands up.

"Well I'll shower first" he says and grabs clothes and walks into the bathroom. I smile and stretch amd lay back onto the bed and I sigh.

Lately things between nathan and I have been getting better and I'm really happy about it. I mean I feel guilty for how i was starting to feel for louis so I starting being more affectionate to nathan.

Im glad I did though cause we talked a little and we've been a lot closer to each other. But sadly those feelings for louis havent gone away at all so that makes things harder as well, but I havent told nathan they even exists.

Soon enough nathan comes out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. I get up and wrap my arms around his neck and he places his hands on my waist.

I kiss him and he kisses back and I smile runing my fingers his wet hair and he pulls me closer. I smile against his lips and pull away smiling at him and leave to the bathroom with out a word.

"Tease" I hear him mumble and I smile at him closing and locking the door. I strip off my clothes and get into the shower cleaning my hair and body.

Once im done and clothed I walk out and see nathan standing the the mirror trying to tie the tie. "Since when is being a prince of your jobs?" I say and help him with the tie.

"After work we're going straight to a company dinner" he says and I pout "why wasnt I invited?" I ask. "Cause its for managers andnco managers only" he says and pecks my lips.

"Time to go" he says and goes to walk away but I pull him back by his tie and kiss him and he smiles and grabs my waist and kisses back.

We walk back till I fall onto the bed and he kisses my neck leaving marks and I bite my lip still gripping his tie.


Nathan drops me off at louis' and I make my way into the house to see its empty. "Where is everyone?" I ask to my self looking around.

"Out" I turn and see louis on the stairs and I walk over to him "out?" I ask. "Yeah they all went to hang out and my mum and fizzy are taking care of wyatt and ethan at lotties house" he says and I nod.

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