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He was lying next to her.
He loved the way she smelled.
The way her eyes would light up when she saw him.
The way she smiled.
He loved every bone in her, every muscle, every imperfection that marked them both.
Everything about her was lovable.
They were like crystal meth to each other.
So addicting but yet so demolishing.
Their story did not seem like it was meant to have an ending.
But which story does?
Only when love hurts than you know it's real.

He had left again.
Went to another girl.
Another person.
Someone prettier than her.
Someone stronger.
She hated her weak self.
But mostly she hated how she couldn't get away from him.
She hated what she had become.
A girl desperate for a persons attention.
His attention.
Oh how she wished that he was like those bad boys written in those teeny romances.
So innocent.
He was not innocent.
In no way.
Not even when it came to love.
She laughed.
Taking another dollar bill.
Adding another high.
Taking another day off happiness.
One way.
That was her one way out of reality.
Her only way.

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