Chapter 13

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"I'm gonna warn you princess, The first is always a little messy." Freddy Kruegers' voice blared from the television in front of us. It was around One in the morning, Maddy and I have been awake all night watching Horror films, making fun of the stupid decisions that the people make. 

"Hey, Remember when I forced you to get over your fear of him?" She said, popcorn in her mouth. I laugh at the memory, nodding. "Yeah, that was out Freshman year of college. I was so scared of him and you were all like," I sit up straight and bring my voice up to a more southern tone " No darlin' it'll be fiiiinee! Now, don't be a pussy and watch the damn movie!" I say laughing. Maddy glares at me and hits my arm.

"I do not sound like that!" She said, hitting me again which made me laugh louder. Soon enough she started laughing too.

It wasn't even funny. This is just how we are. This is how it's always been. 

"I'm so glad I got you back." She sighed, staring up at the ceiling. I nodded, agreeing with her. 

"Was that therapy thing true? Did you really have to go through therapy because of me?" I asked quietly, not getting an answer. I look over at her and see that she's passed out. I roll my eyes and throw my blanket over her.


"Fine, I guess I'm alone for the rest of the night." I whisper to myself, standing up and going to the kitchen. 

I pass by the white rose from the admirer earlier. I back up and stare at it for a moment. Now that I think about it, it's really kind of creepy... In a sweet way. I mean, white roses have always been my favorite flower because they're a sign of honor and grace. My dad got me them every time I was sick or when he got back from another country. He would by my mom Carnations, Joseph and Christopher some type of toy and for me, White Roses. But I've never told anyone that I liked them. Well, I've told Maddy but she didn't even know I was alive until three nights ago...So, how would someone know what my favorite flower was?

'Maybe I'm being stalked ' I laugh to myself at the thought. Nobody would stalk me. 

I walk into the kitchen. opening the fridge and before I could grab anything I hear a knock on my door. I freeze, slowly turning my head to see the door. 

Knock Knock 

 Another two knocks coursed through the apartment. Maddy shuffled a bit but didn't wake up. 

I close the fridge door, putting one foot in front of the other slowly. 

Knock Knock 

Another two knocks. It's 1:25 in the morning. Who could even be awake at this time?

Three more steps.

Knock Knock 

More knocks. Why hasn't Maddy woken up yet? The knocks are so loud, they echo in the house.

One more step.

Knock Knock 

Knocks. They sound... panicked?

I'm at the door now. I lean towards the peep hole, closing one eye and looking into it. There was a head of hair and green eyes staring at the door. I couldn't make out who it was though.

I unlock the door, slowly opening it. When it was opened, there standing in front of me, in a green hoodie and skinny jeans was Harry.

"Isabella." He looked down the halls "Can I come in?" He asked, looking worried.

I stare at him, my grip on the door tightening. "Please Isabella." He begged.

"Y-Yeah. Sure. Come on in" I say, stepping out of the way, opening the door more so he could step in. When he did, I closed the door and locked it again. 

"Is everything alright? Do you want me to wake up Maddy?" I asked, going over to Maddy but he stopped me, shaking his head.

"Everything is fine.. She doesn't need to know I'm here. She'd probably get annoyed." He says calmly, sounding less panicked and more amiable. His eyes looked sad and curious though. 

"So, what did you want exactly? It's almost two in the morning." I say, staring at him as he looks around the room. He sighs, looking down at me. He shuts his eyes and opens them again.

"Why did you leave him?" He asked, staring me dead in the eye. My throat swelled up, I couldn't swallow and I felt dizzy. How did he know?

"W-What do you mean? Leave who?" I asked, my voice staggering and my breath hitching at the end. 

"You know what I mean Tori,"My eyes widened at his voice "You know who you are, why did you leave him? Why did you leave Niall?" He said oddly calm but you could see he was mad or at least slightly angry. I felt sick. 

"How did you find me out? Does he know?" Was all I said back to him. My head was hanging and my voice dropped at least eight notches and I almost feel my anxiety sparking but an attack wouldn't happen, I've taken my medicine...

"It's kind of obvious. You wore Nialls' shirt. You may have dyed your hair but you can't change your face Tori. You can't change who you are." He says, scoffing like it was obvious.

"But does...He...Know..?"I say slowly, looking up at him real quick, my eyes had tears in them and I was trying to contain myself.

Harry must have noticed my tears because his voice softened and he sighed "No, but he'll catch on Tori. The shirt was the first clue. You're all he talked about on the way back to the hotel today." 

I sigh, my body shaking with it. Wiping my tears, I looked at him "I guess you're looking for an explanation then, huh?" I say and with the look I got a guessed it was a yes, "Alright you're going to need to come sit down then. It's a long story."


"So, this guy stalked you? Threatened you? What,Did you think that Niall wouldn't help you? Tori, he loved you- He still loves you! He never got over you. Why didn't you tell anyone?" Harry asked when I finished my explanation. It was around 2:30 am now. Harry kept interrupting everything with questions.

I look down at the small table we were sitting at, " I was going to tell him... but the guy, he had a gun pointed at you guys all the time. No matter where you were. You had guns pointed at your faces and the moment I told one of you, boom, " I held a finger gun up and pointed it at the wall. "That's why I didn't tell anyone. Did you think I wanted  to leave? To leave one of my only sources of happiness? I never wanted to leave." I said and he looked at me,  his eyes soft and calm.

Before he could say anything else, Maddy walked in, "Harry? What are you doing here? It's almost three in the morning!" 






Hey guys! Sooo chapter 13 right? amiright?

I've got this all planned out. Don't you worry.

-Chloe <3

Chase (Sequel to Truth or Dare)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang